Crashing at Jasmine's house

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I was sitting on my couch watching puppy dog pals. I really didn't want to but April was watching it and I can't find the remote. Roley came on the screen and April screams. I chuckle. "Is that a pretty puppy?" I asks. She screams again and nods her head, while chewing on her binki. She goes back to watching the tv. My phone dings and I pick it up to see i have a text from corbyn.

Hey we just got to the restaurant and we realized that we never asked you what you wanted. Sry🙃🙃
Jee thanks bean. Just get me a bagel with sausage and cheese.
Kewl thanks.
I chuckle at Corbyn. And go back to scrolling through Instagram. I saw a bunch of pictures of photo shoots that I've down with cute little captions. A few pictures of me and April too. The front door opens and I see 5 boys walk in holding food. April screams and runs over to them. Daniel puts his arms out but she ignores him and runs to Zach. Zach picks her up. " Oh you just love uncle Zach don't you. Yes you do, yes you do" he says and tickles her belly. She sqeuls out in laughter. "I don't know whether or not I should be upset she didn't come to me or happy because she likes people so much." Daniel chuckles. April looks up from Zach's chest and reaches out for Daniel. He takes he out of Zach's hands. "Hey there baby" he says. She smiles at him and cuddles into his chest. I smile at them. God how did I get so lucky?
"And here is Jasmine's food" Jonah says taking out my food. April sees that I have food and instantly reaches for me. I take her out of Daniel's arms and go to sit on the couch. A few seconds later the boys come over with there food. April opens her mouth and puts out her hand asking for a piece of my food. I break off a little piece and hand it to her. "Oh my your are hungry." I say. "Do one of you mind getting her a bottle. Fill it and put it in for a minute" Jack stands up and walks into the kitchen. April starts crying. "Oh relax he's coming back with a bottle" I say. She cuddles into my chest and Jack comes back with the bottle. "Thanks" I say. He nods. I hand April her bottle, she takes it and runs away. Probably to her room. I sigh and grab my food. I sit back on the couch and lay my head on Daniel's shoulder. Everyone sits in a comfortable silence eating their food.
"Hey jaz" Daniel says breaking the silence.
"Yeah Daniel" I ask.
"Would you like to go out tomorrow night?" He asks.
"Like a date?"
"If you want it to be."  I look up at Jack.
"Jack guess who your babysitting tomorrow?" I ask.
"Umm Zach?" He asks.
"Stop being a smart ass or I'll have Jonah watch her" Jack's eyes go wide and I laugh.
"Your not allowing me see my own niece, Jonah isn't even related to her." He says jokingly. I roll my eyes. April comes back out of her room crying. "Did you drink that entire bottle already" I ask her. She just cries some more. I pick her up and take her to the kitchen.
"Omg. You are such a fat ass." I say and she giggles at me. I make her another bottle and bring her out to the living room.  She lays into my chest and closes her eyes. I check the time on my phone. "Oh baby it's your nap time isn't it?" I pick her up and bring her to her room putting her in the crib. I walk back out to see the boys on the couch. Eating. As always. I sit next to Daniel and continue eating my food. I sigh. "Well she's asleep wanna watch a movie?" I ask. They all nod their heads and I turn on Netflix. "So, what do you want to watch?" I ask.
"The Conjuring?" Daniel asks. Everyone agrees. "I haven't seen a scary movie in like 15 months" I say. 
I put on the movie and cuddle into Daniel's chest. We watched movie after movie before it started to get dark outside. I check the time on my phone. 9:12pm. "Hey do y'all just want to crush here?" I ask. "I have two extra bedrooms. Though I might add that Lizzie basically took over the one." Zach's head shoots up.
"I can sleep in that room" He says. Everyone looks at him. And I smile.
"Ooooo someone has a crush on Lizzie" His cheeks go rosier than they already were.
"I do not, I just think she is very attractive, plus she speaks French, very attracting" he says matter of factly.
"So you wouldn't mind if I invite her over for late night tea?" I ask.
"Not at all" I take out my phone and invite Lizzie over. A few minutes later she walks in.
"Honey I'm home" She screams.
"In the living room" I shout back. Soon enough she walk into the room holding a cup on her hand. The only seat left is next to Zach so she sits down. His cheeks go super red. "I don't have a crush my ass" i whisper to Daniel.
"What are we watching" Lizzie asks.
"Umm put on whatever you want I have to go check on April." I say getting up.
"Can I come" Daniel asks.
"Yeah sure" We stand up and I lead him to April's room. We get in the room and she's wide awake chewing on her binki. "How long have you been awake?" She giggles and slams her hand down on the mattress. "Daniel can you turn the light on please" I ask. He looks around and flicks the light on. "Let's change your diaper" I say and pick her up. I take her I've to the changing table and lay her down. She starts fussing so I hand her, her little stuffed dog and she starts fiddling with it. I feel Daniel's stare on my back. I turn around and he looks away blushing. "Do you want to change her?" I ask. He looks back at me.
"I-I really don't know how." He says. He sound a little embarrassed. 
"Its not that hard, come here" I say waving him over. He walks over and looks down at April.
"Ok so first your going to grab a diaper." I say and he grabs a diaper from the table next to us.  "Then you are going to unlatch these little flaps in the front."  He does so and the diaper falls down a little. He takes off the diaper. "I know how to do that one." He says stupidly. I giggle at him.
"Then your going to wipe her butt and area." I say. He looks at me awkwardly. "Do you want me to wipe her?" He nods. I wipe her butt and her area and throw away the wipes. She lifts her legs up and Daniel takes them and slides the diaper underneath her. He takes the two flaps and attaches them to the rest of the diaper. He smiles. "Congratulations you just changed your daughter's diaper. Dad." I say. His smile only grows wider. He looks at me seriously and I get a little intimidated.
"Erm..What is April's last name?" He asks. I don't know why but I feel a little relieved.
"Um...Seavey" I say. "April Marie Seavey" He only smiles more. God I love his smile. April tries to stand up on the changing table. "Your not going to sleep because I let you take such a long nap huh?" I ask her. She shakes her head and giggles. I pick her up. "C'mon I'm sure your uncles and aunt would LOVE to watch you while mommy sleeps." I say. She face palms. Yeah that's how I'm feeling.
"What is daddy watches you too" I ask her in baby voice. She smiles and reaches out for Daniel to take her. She snuggles into his chest. I kiss her forehead and Daniel's cheek. "Goodnight guys"
I walk back down the hallway and into my room. Taking off my shirt and shorts I put on pajama pants and and old t-shirt and climb into bed. I slowly drift off to sleep with one person in my mind. Daniel, and why I chose to hurt him in the first place. He didn't deserve what I did and now I feel bad. Great. "Goodnight paris." I whisper and fall asleep.

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