Chapter Six

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Jungkook's Pov

Extremely loud voices were belting out random sentences, such as:

"I wanna big house, big car, and big rings!" ~ Yoongi

"Take it, take it!" ~ Namjoon who was trying to give Jin a nice peace offering.

"La~ la la la~ la~" ~ Jimin

"Everywhere I go, everything I do, you always find a way to mess it up with no clue!" ~ Jin who was yelling at Namjoon for the scratches on the driveway that were hardly there.

"Click click! Bang bang!" ~ J-hope shouted with a toy nerf gun in his hand.

Suddenly, Yoongi broke out into song, scaring the neighbors even more than they did before.

"Like a tiny dust that floats in the air~,

Like a tiny dust.

If the flying snow was me,

I could've reached you

A little faster~!"

He belted out lyrics to a song he wrote for Jimin, going off key wayyyy more than once.

All of the gang members winced and covered their ears, trying to prevent them from bleeding.

Taehyung and I woke up quickly, startled by the absolutely horrible singing.

No, it wasn't even singing. It was more like screeching. Horrible screeching. Yes, it was definitely not singing.

"What the hell?" I asked my hyungs, rubbing my temples in an attempt to get rid of my painful headache. I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight, pushing Tae off of my back.

I blushed when I realized I had been sleeping on his lap the whole time. It was a bit. . . too close to the belt than I'd like. Just a bit.

(A/N: lol ;) if you know what I mean.)

Tae also sat up straight, rubbing his neck that most likely had some kinks in it from sleeping in such a weird, awkward position for like an hour.

He crossed his legs, and couldn't look me in the eye for the life of him.

Our hyungs burst out laughing at our awkward expressions, Jimin even falling to the concrete on his knees.

I raised my eyebrow at them, eying Namjoon and Jin coming out from the side yard with guilty looking faces.

Tae kept on shifting about on his car seat uncomfortably, his legs crossed and very tense.

"Hyung," I began to worry. "Are you alright? You're super tense."

He blushed, his ears turning pink. He obviously was hiding something.

"It's nothing, Kookie." He sighed, glancing down into his lap to break our eye contact.

I cocked an eyebrow, but didn't push him further.

"Hey lovebirds!" Namjoon yelled, he and the rest of the gang had cleaned up and were already in the house. "Pick it up! We're ordering pizza!"

Both of us hurriedly got out of the car, Tae making sure to stay behind me for some reason.

I burst through the door, racing into the living room.

"I want (You can bloody choose the pizza he gets, make it meaty in your mind, idgas. I'm bloody vegetarian, so choose before all of them have pizza with broccoli and spinach on it. Kookie won't be happy with that, so just choose.)" I announced, telling them my absolute favorite pizza. "A whole pizza for me please!"

Jin rolled his eyes before nodding.

"Of course you're getting a whole pizza to yourself! Jeez! You're a kid yet you'll eat us out of house and home!" He exclaimed before moving onto Tae. "And you? What do you want to get?"

Tae bit his lip, trying to think of a good pizza topping combination.

"I think I'll just steal some of Kookie' s pizza. Unless anyone else wants to share?" He decided, not even asking my opinion.

"Yah!" I slapped him on the shoulder, annoyed that I'd have to share my wonderfully delicious pizza.

He laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Too bad!"


Later that evening, we were having a movie night after eating our weight in greasy, delicious pizza when The gang members began to fall asleep.

Tae and I were wide awake because we had gotten a good two extra hours of sleep earlier.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked in a low, husky voice.

I racked my mind for fun things to do, but I couldn't think of any good ones.

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" I responded, mimicking his voice.

"Hmmmm. . . the classic twenty questions on the roof?" He suggested, cocking an eyebrow whilst smirking.

"Sure!" I grinned, grabbing his hand and making my way onto the second floor into my new bedroom.

He looked puzzled and nervous, looking at me weirdly.

"I said the roof."

"Do you wanna just appear up there? We gotta climb through my window, pabo!" I laughed quietly. "What else would we do in my bedroom? Cuddle and watch another movie?"

He rolled his eyes before walking past me.

Approaching the window cautiously, he opened it. A huge gust of wind blew in our faces, and he staggered back.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed, pulling it open again.

I held on to the window frame from the outside, trying to find a safe route to get on to the roof that was about six feet above.

I unbuckled my belt, looping it around the random light post that stood outside of my window. I stepped onto the small ledge that was on the side of it before stopping again to scope out my position.

With a giant leap, I jumped on to the edge of the roof, hanging there by my fingertips.

Tae peered out to see me haul myself up and on to the slightly slanted roof.

"Jungkook?" He asked, looking up.

I looked over the side of the roof at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Can you help me up?"

I just nodded.

A/N: Sorry for the super duper short update! I'm going to post the real reason why on my RTTSBSOW (my random book)

Peace! ~ Bella

That nerd (Vkook/Taekook) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt