Chapter Nine

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Taehyung's Pov

I looked down in fear as I saw the heavily armed men approach the front of the house with a battering ram.

Kookie was in the house! All of them were! What was I doing, hiding like a coward on the roof? I needed to help in some sort of way!

I couldn't call the police. This was a gang feud. Police involvement would worsen the situation by one hundred percent.

I began texting Jungkook updates on the situation, trying to urge him on.

What even was the plan?

They heavily out numbered us. The two black vans brought out more and more people who were fit to fight. They out numbered us over forty to seven. How were we going to hold control over the house?

We were doomed.

I heard hushed voices from the side of the house. Did they try to go around to the back? How did I not notice that?

"Tae!" A voice hissed softly but with urgent command.

It sort of sounded like Yoongi?

I crawled over to the direction of the voice, careful not to slip or lose my balance.

"It's us! Get down!" Jin's voice demanded in a whisper.

A loud bang could be heard. They were knocking the door down.

I peered over the edge to see five of them waiting for me at the bottom. Kookie wasn't one of the five.

Another loud bang sent a shiver down my spine.

I slipped my legs over the edge, hanging on to the very narrow ledge for dear life. I slowly lowered myself down as far as I could. Before letting go and praying I wouldn't make a loud noise.

I landed with a soft thud. It probably could've been detected by the rival gang, but at the same moment, they hit the door with a lot of force. The noise they made covered up the slight sound that I made, so their racket worked in my favor.

I was lucky that towards the back of the house was a lot lower than the front. That made it so the drop wasn't as far down as it was near Kookie's window.

"Where's Kookie?" I hissed, scanning their distressed faces.

Joonie and Yoongi looked perfectly calm and serious, but Hoseok, Jimin and Jin we're all very worried and confused.

Jimin was just as confused as I was, but he looked sort of. . . Guilty?

"What happened?!" I began to get hysterical.

Yoongi looked at me sympathetically and glanced at Joonie for reassurance before opening up and spilling the beans.

"He had a plan and told us to hide in the woods until his signal. He sounded completely confident, so after he reasoned with us for a while, we agreed. If he does have a plan, who are we to prevent him from carrying it out. Arguing would get in his way." Yoongi explained carefully, dragging me away from the house and towards the woods.

How could he already have a plan? Was he bluffing? For all I knew, they could've abandoned him in there! No. They wouldn't do that. What was I thinking?!

"Why don't we hide in the trees?" Hoseok suggested with a low shrug. "Climbing the trees and hiding are our best chances if he doesn't hold up. We all know that he'd be furious if any of us went back in to save him."

Yoongi nodded and once again looked at Namjoon for reassurance.

Namjoon considered it for a moment, but nodded his approval after we all were shaken by the next bang.

"Yoongi, you're in charge. I'm going to scope them out and gun them down from the abandoned house to our right. Keep calm. He knows his shit, okay?" Namjoon spoke clearly with authority.

Yoongi began to usher us into the woods, hugging Namjoon briefly before following us.

"Let's go, guys." He said with a slightly sad hint in his voice.

Something told me that this wouldn't go down well.

Hoseok took the lead while Yoongi took the end, both were ready and on alert.

Yoongi kept his head on a swivel, snapping his head back to look behind us randomly. I could feel that we were safe, but Namjoon and Jungkook weren't. And that alone was unsettling.

I wondered what Jungkook had planned. It would be forty on one. Forty on seven was a horrible disadvantage, but forty on one or two? The chances of their survival was barely five to zero percent.

The loud banging became more and more consistent, and I feared for Jungkook's life.









Although we were pretty deep into the dark woods by then, the sharp crack was heard crystal clear by all of us. I fought the urge to sprint back and just haul Jungkook out with us. I knew I couldn't.

"Stay calm and relax, guys." Yoongi's deep, lulling voice tried to soothe us. "Let's climb up this tree, okay? It's sturdy enough for all of us. Hobi, take the lead." Even though his tone of voice was calm and collected, I could tell that he wanted to go back in and help out with Namjoon. I knew he wanted to.

One by one, we climbed up into the arms of the tree. Hobi, then Jin, and then Jimin and I.

However, Yoongi hesitated to join us. His hands gripped the base of the tree, ready to haul his weight up, yet he was just frozen. With large eyes, he looked up at the four of us and he made eye contact with each and every one of us, saving Jimin for last.

"Guys," he paused as if he didn't know what to tell us. "Jin and Hoseok are in charge now. They know what to do. Stay here and be safe, okay? I'm going to help gun them down. I'm a better shot than Namjoon, and he and Kookie need back up. I need all of you to stay calm. Jin and Hobi both know basic gun defense, but they can't shoot. Jimin, I love you, okay? The four of you better stay here until our signal. Remember. We can gun them down. You guys can't exactly help in their murder, so keep your hands clean okay? I know that we'll get the house under control again. Don't worry, stay here."

With a final air kiss sent to Jimin, and a warm look to the rest of us, he charged off, cocking his massive gun.

How many people would die tonight?

How many of our gang would die tonight?

A/N: It's short, but I wanted to end it there because cliffhangers are awesome. ;)

~ Bella

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