Chapter Seven

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Taehyung's Pov

I nervously stepped into Kookie's bedroom, wondering what the hell we were doing in there.

"I said the roof." I stated, looking at him as if he were actually mentally insane.

A snarky remark later, he was climbing out of his bedroom window.

How absolutely cliche was that?

He was able to swing himself up onto the roof with definite ease. Ease that I couldn't possibly expect to have when it was my turn to jump up and on to the roof.

Knowing myself, I'd probably miss the roof by a good meter and fall flat on my face.

I would probably kill myself trying to get up there unass, so I called in the help of the golden maknae.

"Jungkook?" I asked hesitantly, looking up into his soft brown eyes.

"Can you help me up?"

He nodded, disappearing for a moment before dangling a random rope down the side of the house for me.

Where did he even get that?

I leaned out of the window, stretching and reaching to try and get the rope into my desperate hands.

It dangled only a few inches above my outstretched fingertips, nearly brushing them.

I strained to reach higher and higher before at last, the rope was in my hands.

"Okay, I got it." I announced to Kookie. "What's the plan now?"

"I need you to trust me, okay?" He said, peering down at me. "Can you do that?"

I licked my lips nervously. Did I trust him? I'd only known him for a day. But I surprisingly did trust him.

"Okay. Let's do this." I nodded.

His cocky smirk looked down upon me, taking advantage of his higher ground.

"Okay, hyung. I need you to get as far out from the window as you can without falling out. Can you do that?"

I just nodded, my mouth going completely dry at the thought of falling to my death.

I followed his instructions cautiously, not wanting my vision to become my fate.

"Good, good, you're doing well, hyung." He praised, most likely sensing how tense I was. "Now make sure you have a firm grip on the rope and then go on to your feet. Make sure you don't fall out of the window, okay?"

I licked my lips again, before trying to follow his difficult instructions once more.

I leaned as far out of the window as I could, grasping the dangling rope with all of my might. For all I knew it might have been the only thing that was keeping me from falling. Slowly but surely I managed to complete all of his instructions.

It was all quite daunting. To be fair, I was essentially hanging by an unsecure rope with my feet barely on a windowsill.

"Okay. I did it."

"Good job, hyung." Jungkook praised. "Now keep a firm grip because I'm going to start pulling you up now, okay?"

He looked down at me, looking for confirmation.

I nodded with a nervous grin before he began pulling me up.

Foot by foot, inch by inch, slowly I made my way up the wall.

I clenched my eyes tightly, not wanting to look down at the long drop below me.

"Okay, hyung. I got you. Grab on to the roof." I open to my eyes as I felt his hands grip my forearms.

Obediently, I did as he said.

Latching onto the roof, I pulled myself on to it with Kookie's help.

I collapsed onto it, exhausted from all of the work I just been through.

Kookie laid next to me, gazing up at the sky.

"Look, hyung! A shooting star!" He gasped, the arrogant, cocky side of him being replaced with a little, immature kid.

I grinned, poking his cute, chubby little cheeks.

"Aw. So cute!" I leaned in to his arm, grinning. "Where did Muscle Kookie go?"

He blushed a bright red, wrapping his arm around my shoulders protectively.

As if there was anything to protect me from!

"Hyung, what happened earlier today?"

"What?!" I asked, confused. "What do you mean?"

He looked at me dead in the eye.

"What happened with Ji-Yong?"

I shrugged, "You tell me."

He looked up at the dark sky once more.

"You won't tell my secret to Jimin, right?" He worried.

"That you fight?" I asked. "No, I won't tell."

He sighed in relief.

"Thanks, Tae."

"So," I began awkwardly. "Twenty questions?"

He grinned widely, turning back to face me again.

"Sure. I call going first!" He thought for a moment before shooting a question. "When's your birthday?"

I ruffled his dark, thick hair before answering.

"December 30th." I responded. "My turn! What's your absolute biggest secret ever?"

He froze, looking at me with fear.

"Hyung, I can trust you, right?" The fear in his doe eyes remained, throwing me off.

"Of course. If you answer, I'll give you an extra question." I bargained.

He settled down again, the fear subsiding.

"Okay. So," He began to open up. "My biggest secret? Well, I'm an underground fighter. I do it to pay for the hospital bills."

I nodded, not wanting to let him see my real reaction. I didn't want him to think that I'd judge him.

But Kookie? An underground fighter?! That was surprising.

Why did he let all of those people at school push him around then? Why not stand up for himself like he stood up for me?

"My turn." He announced, looking happy that I didn't have a big, bad reaction. "What is your biggest secret?"

I gulped.

He could trust me, I could trust him, right?


"Where do I start?" I asked tensely. "My dad just bought an underground fighting ring and expects me to be the manager."

It was then his turn to look momentarily surprised.

"YOUR DAD BOUGHT MY FIGHTING RING?!" He exclaimed loudly.

It was a good thing we were alone.

"Wait, your fighting ring? The one you go to?" I asked back, surprise coating my own tone. "Which ring do you go to?!"

"Dark Shadows!" He blurted out, curious to see if I was indeed his new manager.

Oh my fudge nuggets.

"I'M THE NEW MANAGER OF YOUR GYM!" I whisper shouted.

Holy shit.

"This is awesome!" I cheered.

"No it's not." He was sullen. "That means that I will be paid by your dad. I was able to get away with not showing my face to my last manager, he might force me to show him. And if you take my side, he'll know you're biased."

Well that wasn't good.

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