6. The Truth

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They could see whole dragon clan coming after a long raid. "What if they attack us?" Asked drack. "We should stay hidden!"
"Stay covered!" Said Green death.
One by one all the dragons landed and gave the food to the green death. She congratulated each dragon for their work and then announced something very important.

"While you all were away I had found new recruits to help you in your work." She uncovered her large wings and the whole clan saw a Red Night Fury and a Sentinel before them. The whole crowd started wispering to each other. "I don't know who they are but I think we can get new friends" Said Flame.

"Any questions?" One dragon growled. "Where did you find them and are they trustworthy?" (Bowing softly towards Green death) "Good question...yes...they..are...I can assure you!" "I have ever seen a Red Night Fury before!" Shouted one of them. "Neither have I!" Said Green Death "But they are good recruits for the work you all are doing!"

The clan seemed pleased seeing a rare dragon and a powerful one in front of them. But some were unhappy with the decision of green death. "They can help us!" Said Maron (A nightmare dragon) "No! They don't know what are they going to do...and if they break the rules then..." "What?" Asked Flame coming in between. "Nothing!" Said Maron hesitateing. "Your coat is very good!"  Said one of them turning the point. "Ok!" The strangeness of the clan dragons caused Drack's curiousity level to increase. "I think they are hiding something from us..I felt strangeness" "Yeah me too!" "We should find about it!" "Next day because today is too late for that!"

It was night and the whole clan slept but Flame couldn't. He kept thinking About his family. Suddenly a noise outside the cave attracted him. "What is that?" "Come!". Flame waited for the noise today die but the voice kept saying "come!" At last Flame got up. One side was Drack and other all the clan members. He crept and then went outside. He could not believe in his eyes that there was a Night Fury by the glowing stream of river. "Who are you?" "I am!" She answered. "I am the Faith Flame!" "Wait! How did you know my name?" "Name" she smiled "I know everybody's name." Her blue scales glowed by the reflection. "What are you doing here?" "I am here to show you your faith" "what faith?" "Leave this place It will give no good! Only death! Leave!" She kept repeating this sentence until Flame understood the matter. When he looked back at her she had disappeared and the water stopped glowing.
"I know...."
"The truth......"
(To be continued.....)

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