It's Never Good When Rachel Is Suspicious: Pt 2

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I don't know how Pt1 Pt2 things work, so I'm going to put this one in a Paladins POV. Just want to say that obviously, these people or aliens or mythological creatures aren't mine, they belong to DreamWorks and Rick Riordan.

Pidge's POV

Allura is talking while I look at the 'campers' and Chiron. Why is Chiron a centaur?! And what's so special about the campers?

"But who are your enemies?" I hear someone ask and pay back attention.

"We're wondering the same thing." answered Allura as she turned to face Shiro.

"What do you mean?" I asked, the other guys had snapped back into the conversation too.

"Our recent known enemy is the Galra, a despicable alien race infamous for their attacks and enslavement on other planets. The problem is we've been sent peace proposals from them, and The Blade Of Memora, one of our allies,  has been setting off some alarming threats. An d if so,  they know plenty about Voltron to defeat it. " 

"And Shiro KNEW about this? " I asked, glaring angrily  at Shiro and Allura. I knew he was the leader of Voltron and whatever but she didn't have to choose favorites.  

"Well, yeah," Allura said awkwardly . "I just didn't really have a good chance to tell you all. Me and Shiro were alone a couple days ago, so-"

"Wait you and Shiro were alone?!" Lance screeched.

"Not now Lance." Shiro commanded. 

That happened.

We really didn't show our best today. We eventually learned that where we were was Camp Half-Blood, a camp for Greek demigods. Me and Hunk were supposed to go back and forth between the Athena and Hephaustus cabin since, as engineers and inventors, we could help greatly with defense. Keith and Lance were always going to the arena where they trained other kids and themselves.Shiro was always talking with Chiron and Allura about battle plans. There was also a girl a bit older than me there too. She had wavy blonde hair and a slightly tanned complexion. I never got a good look at her face, but I could never not notice her piercing stormy grey eyes.

There were other people that struck me as interesting. There was this girl with crazy frizzy red hair. She had green eyes with paint on her jeans and navy blue shirt. She would pull a boy or girl to the side and whisper in their ears. She would always glance at me or the other paladins. Did she trust us? Probably not. I eventually heard from other campers that she was the oracle. An oracle is some one who tells the future... Right?  No one's really talked to us yet, except fascinated little kids and occasionally a ten year old looking kid named Leo Valdez. It's never good when the oracle is suspicious huh? Its weird I know what she is, but not her name. Hmph.

Word Count: 488 Words

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