*not an update intensifies also disclaimer*

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Ok so this is 500 years late but this is goin in the beginning of my story yE

Anyway for the readers who havent read this yet:

This story was made by 11 year old me. Lots of grammar issues and plot holes and just this is r e a l l y bad. So prepared to be disappointed.

Ive improved since this monstrosity though! Im currently writing a new fic (its not voltron or percy jackson related) and i really like it so far! :D

For the old readers who have come back to this story: again, im so, so, so, sorry for discontinuing this. buT tHANK YOU FOR OVER 7K READS THATS GREAT-

overall just a big fat THANCC for the reads, votes and comments. Especially the comments, i love reading those.

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