Chapter Three

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Woodland found one of his favorite outfits and put it on. He changes from his boxers to his very soft briefs. He put the shirt on and buttoned it up he got to the jeans and winced as they touched his sore bottom. He sighed and put his black belt on. He put his shoes white shoes on and finally his black tie. He sprayed his cologne and washed his to rid of any signs he was crying. He finished washing his face and you wouldn't be able to tell he crying. He grabbed his hat and put it on along with his glasses. He grabbed his phone and ear buds and walked downstairs. He was about to sit on the couch when he remembered his sore butt. He sighed and leaned against the kitchen table. It was a tall table with barstools. He was drumming his hands along to the music. "Woody," Ryland said getting his attention. Woodland looked up and looked at him. "Do you like sea food?" He asked. Woodland nodded and looked away. "Answer with words, Woodland," Shane lectured. Woodland looked down and sadly said, "yes," Shane nodded at him in approval. "Ready?" Shane asked. "Yup!" Ryland said. Woodland nodded. "Ow!" He yelped as he felt a slap to his bruise butt. "Answer with words," Shane reminded. "Yes," Woodland corrected. "Woody, you say, 'yes sir,'" Shane told him. Woodland was confused but said yes sir anyway. Shane smiled at him and hugged him. Woodland didn't hug back. He did enjoy the hug nonetheless. "Ready?" Shane asked him. "Yes sir," Woodland replied making Shane smile. "Lets go!" Shane said and the three of them walked out to Ryland's G-Wagon. Ryland got in driver while Shane got in passenger and Woodland got in back. Woodland winced as his butt came in contact with the seat. Shane looked back and gave him a sympathetic smile. Woodland sighed and put his ear buds in. They hit a bump and Woodland whimpered. "Are you okay, Woodland?" Ryland asked. "I'm fine," Woodland mumbled and wiped a tear from his eye. "We're here," Ryland said as they pulled into a restaurant. They got out and Woodland sighed of relief when his butt wasn't touching the seat anymore. Woodland looked around and saw the sunset. He looked at Shane who was getting out along with Ryland so Woodland walked over to take a picture of the sun. "WOODLAND!" He heard. He looked over and saw Shane with a mad expression walking over. "One second!" Woodland said and crouched which he winced while doing so. He got a couple pictures. He took of his glasses and looked at them. "What are you doing?!" Shane asked as he made it to the boy. "Look!" Woodland said and showed him his pictures. Shane grabbed the phone and looked at them then to the sun. "Did you take these?" Shane asked. Woodland gave him an 'are you dumb' look. "No Poseidon took them," Woodland said and stood up. "Don't get smart with me," Shane warned. "Okay, one second," Woodland said causing said to raise an eyebrow. "I uh I tink Poteiden took them!" Woodland said with a dumb voice. "Haha very funny," Shane said sarcastically. "You think? Good I just thought of it," Woodland said back. Shane rolled his eyes and handed him his phone back. Woodland took it and followed Shane back to a waiting Ryland. "What was that about?" He asked as they walked back over to him. "Our boys a photographer," Shane said. "I'm not your boy," Woodland mumbled but Shane heard him. "Yes you are," He said. "No, I'm not!" Woodland said, staring to get mad. "Hush, both of you!" Ryland said to the two bickering boys behind him. Woodland huffed and crossed his arms. He felt someone poke his arm. He looked at Shane and Shane stuck his tongue out at Woodland. Woodland gasped and stuck his back. Shane did an exasperated gasped in return and looked away and back to him. Woodland stifle a laugh and look away. Shane noticed the smile on Woodlands face and he smiled himself. They got seated and Woodland sat slowly in the booth. Woodland sat in the middle of Shane and Ryland. Shane on his left and Ryland on his right. "Hello, my name is Amy, I'll be serving you tonight! Can I start you off with some drinks?" Amy asked. "Water, please," Ryland said. She nodded and wrote it down. "Diet coke," Shane said. She wrote it down. "Water," Woodland mumbled. "I'm sorry, can you say that again?" Amy asked. "Water," Woodland said a little louder. She nodded and wrote it down. "Are you okay, Woodland?" Ryland asked. Woodland nodded. "Ouch!" Woodland yelped quietly as Shane pinched his bum. "What was that for?" He asked Shane. "Use your words, I'm tired of telling you!" He said. Woodland huffed and crossed his arms and leaned back. "Lose the attitude Woodland, before you find yourelf over me knee in the bathroom," Shane warned in his ear. Woodland glared at him and Shane raised his eye brows making him look down to his lap. "Here are your drinks!" Amy said walking up. "Now are you ready to order?" She asked. "Yes, I'll take the lobster," Ryland said. "So will I," Shane said. She nodded and wrote it down. "Shrimp po'boy," Woodland said. She nodded and wrote it down. "I'll be back soon!" She said and smiled walking away. Woodland sat in silence as Shane and Ryland had a conversation. "Speaking of school!" Shane said looking at Woodland. "I saw you weren't registered in the school," Shane said. Woodland shrugged. "Why?" Shane asked. "Drop out," Woodland said like it was no big deal. "Why?" Ryland asked. Woodland groaned and rolled his eyes. "Last warning, Woodland, lose the attitude or we can take a trip to the bathroom," Shane warned. Woodland huffed and looked down. "Why did you drop out?" Ryland asked. Woodland stayed silent. "Woody," Shane said. Woodland looked up at him. "Answer his question," Shane said stern. Woodland looked at Ryland and back to Shane. "I was in jail," Woodland said and looked down. He felt a hand on his shoulder and them rub it. Soon the waitress came with the food. The three ate. Ryland and Shane held a conversation and Woodland was silent the whole time. "Woody?" Shane asked getting the boys attention. "Are you okay?" He asked. Woodland did closed his eyes briefly and nodded. "You sure?" Ryland asked. Woodland nodded again. Shane sighed. They soon finished, paid and left. "Woodland?" Shane asked and looked back at Woodland in the backseat. Woodland hummed in response. "Are you sure you're okay?" Shane asked. "Yeah," Woodland said and fisted his eye. Shane reached back and rubbed the boys knee. They were halfway home when Woodland spoke. "Shane?" Woodland asked suddenly. "Yes baby?" Shane asked. "Why did you adopt me?" Woodland asked. Shane looked back at him. "Because you needed a home and some love in your life and We wanted to give you a chance so you can start over," Shane replied. Woodland furrowed his eyebrows together and looked out the window. Woodland didn't believe it. No one wanted to adopted unless they wanted something from him. Shane watches as the boy looked in thought. Shane was about to turn back around before he saw Woodland open his mouth to say something but close it again. "You okay Woods?" Ryland asked. "Mhm," Woodland replied. Shane sighed and turned back to face forward. The soon got home and Shane looked back at Woodland. "Oh sweet baby!" Shane cooed. Ryland looked back and saw Woodland asleep. They got out and Shane carefully carried him inside. He carried him upstairs to his room. "Woody?" Shane said softly. "Hm?" He heard in response. "Can you change into pajamas or do you want me to change yo u?" Shane asked softly. Woodland mumbled something in his sleep. "What baby?" Shane asked. "You," Woodland mumbled again. Shane said a soft okay and found some pajamas from Woodlands dresser. Shane carefully pulled his jeans off and pulled his place pajama pants on him. He started to unbutton his shirt to put on the other when he saw a scar from his lower back to his chest. Shane frowned and took his shirt off. Shane held in a cry as he saw Woodlands chest and stomach was covered in scars. Shane took a deep breath and regained himself before pulling the boys shirt over his head. Shane tucked Woodland in and kissed his head. "Good night baby!" Shane said softly. He walked out of his room and went to his. He changed and went to bed with Ryland after the long day he's had.

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