Chapter Seven

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"Ryland?" Shane asked as Ryland walked into the room. "Yeah?" Ryland asked looking at Shane. He felt his heart drop to his stomach when he saw Shane holding his laptop. "What's this?" Shane asked showing him the screen. "um n-nothing. Jus- just thinking about getting a new job!" Ryland stuttered. "Ryland, I know you're lying to me," Shane said causing Ryland to look down. "Why did you lie to me?" Shane asked disappointed. "I didn't want you to be disappointed in me," Ryland said softly. "What happened?" Shane asked and sat on the edge of the bed. "I got fired," Ryland said disappointed in himself. "What? Why?" Shane asked. "I don't know," Ryland spoke honestly. "Ryland," Shane cooed softly. Ryland kept his head down feeling upset and disappointed in himself. "Come here," Shane said softly. Ryland walked over and Shane hugged him. "You should've told me!" Shane lightly scolded. "I know, I'm sorry," Ryland said and hugged Shane. "Sh, you're okay," Shane said. Then he remembered adopted Woodlands school problem. "You wanted to know why Woodland stayed home today, didn't you?" Shane asked. Ryland nodded and sat up in his husbands lap. "He Didn't want me to say anything but I feel I need to tell you," Shane sighed. Ryland looked at him confused and moved to sit next to him. "Ryland," Shane said and looked at him. "Woodland was raped and almost killed at school," Shane said softly. Ryland felt his heart break and he covered his mouth. "Shane?" They heard. They looked at the door and they say Woodland with a upset and betrayed looked. "I- I trusted you!" Woodland said as tears fell. "I'm sorry Woody, he needed to know," Shane said and stood up. When Shane started to walk towards Woodland the boy backed away. "Woodland?" Shane asked. "Come here bud," Shane said softly. Woodland shook his head no and turned and ran. "Woodland!" Shane yelled for him as he chased him down the stairs. Woodland went straight to the door and ran out. "WOODLAND!" Shane yelled for him. Woodland ignored him and ran. Shane sighed and put his face in his hands. "We should go get him!" Ryland said worried. "I know," Shane said and walked back inside. "He hates me!" Shane said and silently cried. "No he doesn't! We just need to find him!" Ryland said. Shane nodded and grabbed his keys. "You take your G and I'll take my jeep," Shane said. Ryland nodded and grabbed his keys. They went to their cars and started the search for Woodland. "Have you found him yet?" Shane asked over the phone. "No," Ryland sighed from the other end. "It's one in the morning, we can look again in the morning," Shane said. Ryland agreed and they went home. "I hope he's okay!" Ryland said  he and Shane got in bed. "Me too," Shane said feeling like it was his fault. They fell asleep and the morning finally came. They are a quick breakfast and decided to take the same car to look for him. They drove all around to find him. They searched for hours. When it finally came to noon they decided to get something to eat real quick. They decided on a small diner. Shane parked jeep and they got out. They went in and ordered. They sat and Shane noticed someone glancing at them then finding their face with a hood on. "Here's your food!" The waitress said. They thanked her and they ate. Shane kept glancing at the person. Shane finished his and he decided to see who the person was. As Shane walked over the person kept their head down and looking away from Shane. "Excuse me?" Shane asked. They hummed. "Can you look at me?" Shane asked. They didn't move. Shane raised a single eye brow and pulled the hood off their head. They slowly looked up. "Woodland?!" Shane almost screamed. "Hey, Shane," Woodland said quietly with a nervous laugh. "We're going home!" Shane said and grabbed his arm. After Shane pulled Woodland out of the booth woodland tried to run again. Ryland saw and caught him. "No!" Woodland growled. "Tanner Woodland knock it off!" Shane said and grabbed his arm. Ryland paid and they went out to the jeep. "Woodland!" Shane growled as woodland started kicking. Shane got fed up and handed Ryland the keys. Shane pushed Woodland in the back seat and Shane got in after. "What are got doing?!" Woodland screamed as Shane pulled him over his lap while Ryland drove. "Shane stop!" Woodland growled as Shane slapped his backside. "Woodland look at me!" Shane said and grabbed his arms turning him to lay on his back over his lap but looking up and Shane. "You quit! You're in enough trouble for running away!" Shane warned and pointed at him. "Blame yourself for that!" Woodland yelled. Shane glared at him and slapped his backside again. "Ow!" Woodland said through gritted teeth. "I understand you're mad at me but that doesn't give the right to run away and yell at me!" Shane lectured. Woodland glared at Shane and Shane pulled him up and sat him in the seat next to him. Woodland crossed his arms and glared out the window. "I hate you," Woodland mumbled under his breath. "I bet you do," Shane said. That line made Woodland look down. Why did that hurt me? Woodland though. "Let's go," Shane said and grabbed his arm and got him out of the car. Shane kept a grip on Woodlands arm as they walked inside. "Would you care to explain?" Shane said as they got inside. Woodland kept his head down and frown not saying a thing. "Hm, Woodland?" Shane asked as he waited for an answer. "I don't," Woodland said. "You don't want to explain?" Shane asked and crossed his arms. "I don't hate you," Woodland said and finally looked up. Shane frowned. "Oh I know baby," Shane said and his expression softened. Woodland looked down. "I thought you hated me," Woodland admitted. Shane was now confused. "Why would I hate You?" He asked. Woodland took a shakey breath. "You told my secret and said, 'I bet you do', and it sounded like you hated me too," Woodland said as tears filled his eyes. "Is that what this about?" Shane asked. "I told Ryland what you told me and you think I told him because I hate you?" Shane asked. Woodland nodded. "Woodland," Shane said and shook his head, increasing his arms and crouching down to look him in the eye. "I didn't tell him because I hate you," he said. Woodland blinked and a year fell. "I told him because I love you," he added. Woodland look him in the eye. "You do?" Woodland asked. Shane nodded. "Why wouldn't I? You're my son, I'll always love you!" Shane said and shook his head. Woodland sighed and let another tear fall. "Woodland, we would never ever hate you!" Ryland chimed in and crouched next to Shane. Woodland looked down and sniffled. "I'm- I'm sorry," Woodland cried. Shane pulled him into a hug and Ryland hugged to leaving them in a group hug. "I'm sorry!" Woodland cried. "Sh, baby, we know," Shane said softly. Woodland doesn't understand why they are being so nice. He's never been treated like this before. "Why?" Woodland asked and pulled away. "Why what?" Ryland asked. "What did I do to deserve you being so nice to me?" He asked. "You're our son and we will about love you and being nice? This is the love," Shane said. "I've been told my whole life by everyone that I'm a worthless shit and don't deserve anything. Why aren't you like everyone else?" He asked. "Because we don't care how those haters feel. We love you!" Ryland said. Woodland looked down. "Come here," Shane said softly. Woodland leaned forward and Shane hugged him. Ryland stood and went to the kitchen. "I'm beting you're hungry!" Shane said and pulled away. "Very," Woodland said. Shane smiled and kissed his head before they walked into the kitchen. Ryland made spaghetti and the family ate. Shane and Ryland where glad they found woodland and woodland ate with a family who loved him. Something he isn't used too.

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