Chapter Nine

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"Who would care to explain?" Shane asked angry as two bruised and beat up kids sat in front of him. "Mr. Adams-Yaw, I was just playing basketball with my friend and he came over and shoved me! I tried to defend myself but he kept swinging!" The kid said. Shane glared at Woodland. "Is that true?" Shane asked. Woodland slowly shook his head no. "Then tell you're side," Shane said and crossed his arms sitting in front of them on his desk. "I was walking back into the gym after visiting you. Anthony ran over to me and asked if I was okay. Then we were walking to go play soccer together and talk. As we were passing him he mumbled something about I'm an orphan no wonder my parents abused me. I told him to say it to my face and when he did he said I'm worthless and should die," Woodland said, not breaking eye contact once. Shane saw the sadness and fear in his eyes. "I'm gonna watch the security footage," Shane said. Woodland nodded and looked down. The other kid rolled his eyes. "I want complete silence from both of you," Shane said. "Okay," The kid said. Woodland stayed silent and kept his head down. Shane sat in his chair and pulled up the footage. He clicked on when Woodland walked back into the gym. He turned the volume all the way up and glanced at the boys. Woodland hadn't moved at all and the other kid was bouncing his leg and fiddling with his thumbs. "Say that to my face!" Woodlands voice was heard through the speaker. "Sure, You're worthless and should die!" Then Woodland charged at him and Shane turned it off. "Lucas, why did you lie to me?" Shane asked and crossed his arms, looking at the other kid, Lucas. Lucas shrugged. "Trying to get him in trouble," Lucas said like it was no big deal. "Shane I wanna go home!" Woodland blurted. Shane looked at him and Woodland had tears in his eyes. "I'll call Ryland and I'm calling your parents, Lucas!" Shane said. Lucas nodded and looked down. "Go get your things and sit in the main office," Shane demanded. The boys stood and obeyed. "Why did you call him Shane?" Lucas asked. "He adopted me about four days ago after I got in trouble with the police again," Woodland told him. Lucas looked at him. "Wait so, he's your dad?" He asked in disbelief. "Adoptive dad, yeah," Woodland nodded. Lucas looked down. "Why happened?" Lucas asked. "When?" Woodland asked. "To you, before Shane?" Lucas asked. "Uh long story," Woodland chuckled. "Well, when Anthony and I were six our dad got drunk and killed our mom. He took us and we ran from the police. When we turned eight my dad started to send my brother to his friends house and would use me in many ways. Punching bag, slave," Woodland sighed. "Sex slave," He added. Lucas looked at him in shock. "When Anthony and I turned twelve, police found our dad and we got sent to different orphanages. I took the bad route, drugs, stealing. That went on for three years and finally Shane adopted me and everything's been fine," Woodland said and looked at Lucas. "I didn't want to come back to school. I have bad memories in here but I made a deal with Shane and Ryland that I will try it for a few weeks and If I still don't like it they'll let me do online school," Woodland said. Lucas looked upset. "I'm- I'm sorry," Lucas said. Woodland shrugged. "Nothing new," Woodland mumbled and scratched his head. "Well, do you wanna start over?" Lucas asked and stopped. Woodland stopped and looked at him. "Sure," Woodland smiled. "I'm Lucas," Lucas said and reached for a handshake. "Woodland," Woodland smiled and shook his hand. Shane was watching through the camera, hearing everything. He was originally making sure they were doing as told. Then he saw that. Shane smiled at the screen seeing his son and his bully made up. Woodland and Lucas made it to the locker room and they changed, grabbed their things and went back to the office. They sat in the main office next to each other. "So, what's your favorite color?" Woodland asked. "Blue?" Lucas said more as a question causing them both to laugh. "What about you?" Lucas said. "Uh, Black, red and blue," Woodland said. Lucas gasped. "Oh my god, like Spider-Man!" Woodland nodded. "That's why!" Woodland said and they laughed. "Lucas, Woodland," Shane called. They looked at each other and got up going to him. "So are you friends now or something?" Shane asked and closed the door. "Yeah," They said in unison. "Lucas, I told you're parents," Shane said. Lucas looked down. "I'm allowing you to stay the rest of the day," Shane said. Lucas nodded, smiled and sighed in relief. "Woody, do you still wanna go home?" Shane asked looking at him. Woodland looked at Lucas and they smiled at each other. "I'll try and stay till lunch at least," Woodland said. Shane smiled. Then, the bell rang. "Get to class you too!" Shane said. They stood. "What do you have next?" Lucas asked. "Music," Woodland answered after looking at his schedule. "Oh my god! Me too!" Lucas laughed. They laughed and left, going to music. "Mr. Oliver! This is Woodland!" Lucas introduced as they walked in. "Nice to meet you Woodland! What instrument would you like to play today?" Mr. Oliver asked. Woodland saw piano and smiled. "Of course! Go ahead!" Mr. Oliver said. He sat at the piano and started playing. Lucas pulled out his phone and recorded it. "Oh my god!" Lucas said and everyone clapped. "Where did you learn to do that?" One kid asked. "I've been playing since I was three. My only escape from the world," Woodland said. Everyone nodded like they understood but I reality, they don't. "Hey, question," Lucas said. "Do you have a phone?" He asked. "No, my dads do," Woodland said and chuckled. "Oh, can I have one of your dads numbers then? So I can text you," Lucas said. Woodland nodded and gave it to him. "That's Shanes number," Woodland said. "Thanks," Lucas said and Woodland played another song. Lucas sent the video to Shane. Shane got the message and was confused. Then he got another message saying it was Lucas. Shane nodded and replied with a thanks for the video. Shane didn't know Woodland could play the piano or sing! After the bell rang Woodland and Lucas went to their next class. Woodland to Career prep and Lucas to Science.

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