Chapter Twelve

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They finally arrived at the store. "Can we go look around?" Woodland asked. "Yeah, just don't leave the store," Ryland said. Shane nodded in agreement. Lucas and Woodland went over to the sports section. "Oh! Watch this!" Woodland said and grabbed three tennis balls and started to juggle them. "Dude sick!" Lucas said. Woodland laughed and let them drop.
Ryland and I were in the food section. As we were passing an isle we saw Woodland and Lucas playing with a soccer ball. "Hey, boys!" I said and we walked over to them. "Hi," Woodland said as he concentrated to keep the ball off the ground. "What have you been doing?" Ryland asked as he leaned against the cart. "Playing soccer, talking," Lucas said as he tried to keep his ball off the ground as well. "Fun," Ryland said. Woodland nodded and did a cool trick where he kicked it up, did a spin, kicked it from behind his back and continued to keep it up. "Wow!" I said and smiled. Woodland kicked it up and caught it. "Can I get it?" He asked. "Yeah!" I said. He tossed the ball into the cart. "Do you want that one Lucas?" I asked my son's best friend. "Yeah, sure!" Lucas said. I nodded and he tossed his in as well. "Well, we are going to look at the food!" I said and backed but and stood next to Ryland. "Okay!" They said in unison. Then Woodland smirked at Lucas. Lucas looked at him confused and Woodland climbed in the cart. "Woodland, what are you doing?" Ryland asked. Woodland stood up and shouted. "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!" I was about to get onto him but we heard. "PAINT ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS, JACK!" We all started dying of Laughter. "That was awesome!" Lucas said. Woodland was still laughing in the cart now sitting and holding his stomach. "Okay woody," I said as I stopped laughing. "Hope out!" I said with a smile. He continued to laugh and he started snorting like me! "That was the best thing ever!" He cried as he laughed. I chuckled at him. I grabbed him from under his arms and lifted him out. "Now are you ready to go?" I asked him. "Yes," he said and took a deep breath in. I playfully and gently slapped him. "How dare you!" He said and looked at me. "That's wasn't very nice Shane!" He said and crossed his arms with a fake pout on his lips. "Oh my baby!" I said and hugged him. "Noo!" He groaned and I kissed his cheek. "Luke, help!" He called out. "Naw man, you got yourself in this!" Lucas laughed. "Ugh!" Woodland whined. I kissed his head and let him go. "Disgusting," he said and wiped his cheek. "Oh boo hoo!" I fake cried making him stifle a laugh. "We're going to the food section," Ryland said as I stood next to him. "Where coming too!" Woodland and Lucas said. I chuckled as both of them stood next to me in a ready to go way. "Let's go!" I said with a chuckle. We walked over to the food section and Woodland gasped and ran over somewhere. "Woodland!" I called for him. He picked up a box of corn dogs and garlic bread. "I want!" He said and held it out as we walked up to him. "You can ask," I said and looked at him stern. "Can I have?" He corrected. I sighed. "Sure," he smiled and put them in the cart. We looked at each other and he smiled at me with tired eyes. "You tired baby?" I asked him. He yawned. "No," He said and shook his head no. I rolled my eyes. Yes he is, of course he won't admit it though. We continued and we passed a guitar and microphone stand. Woodland froze and looked at them. "Woody?" I questioned as he walked up to it. Luke followed him. "What are they doing?" Ryland asked. "I don't know," I said and watched them. Woodland put a guitar over his head and Luke sat at the drum thing. Woodland stood in front of the microphone and they started playing! Oh my god! They sound awesome! I've never heard him sing in person. I've only seen the video. Ryland watched with a smile on his face. My boy singing and enjoying himself with his best friend! They finished and there was now a crowd around them. They finished and everyone started cheering. Woodland smiled and he and Lucas walked over to us. "That was amazing boys!" I said. They smiled. "Thanks," They said. "Ready to go?" Ryland asked. They nodded and I was about to pop Woodland on the butt but didn't since he was with his friend and I didnt want to embarrass him. We checked out and got everything in the car. We got in and started driving home. "We're home," I said and looked back and cooed when I saw them both asleep. I smiled and Ryland got everything inside while I carried woodland in then Lucas. I laid them on the couch and let them sleep. I helped Ryland unload everything then I started to grade papers and Ryland continued to look for a job.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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