Chapter Five

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Woodland has been sleeping all day while Shane was cleaning up around the house while Ryland was at work. Shane sighed as he finished the dishes and decided to check on Woodland. Shane opened Woodlands door and held in a coo when he saw Woodland laying on his stomach asleep. Shane smiled at him and walked back out. Shane went downstairs to make some soup for Woodland to eat when he woke up. Shane got to the kitchen and started making soup. "Oh my god!" Shane said and jumped. "Woodland, you can't sneak up on me like that!" Shane said and held his chest over his heart. Woodland looked at Shane. "Sorry," He mumbled looking down. Shane sighed and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him. "You hungry?" Shane asked pulling away. Woodland kept his head down and nodded. "Okay baby, sit down," Shane said. Woodland looked at the hardwood stools and looked back down. "Woody?" Shane said. Woodland looked up at him. "Sit down," Shane said. Woodland looked at the stool again before looking back to Shane. "What's wrong?" Shane asked and ran his hand through Woodlands hair. Woodland muttered something and Shane crouched down so he was looking up at him. "What's wrong?" Shane asked again. "I can't sit," Woodland mumbled. Shane sighed and rubbed his forehead and looked back at Woodland. "I'm sorry baby, um, you can grabbed a pillow off the couch?" Shane asked. Woodland nodded slowly and Shane rubbed his thumb over his cheek. "Are you okay?" Shane asked. Woodland didn't answer but looked Shane in the eye. Shane furrowed his eye brows together and looked at him. "You okay, Woody?" Shane asked. Woodland looked down and leaned forward and laid his head on Shanes shoulder. Shane wrapped his arm around Woodland and rubbed his back. Shane kissed Woodlands cheek and hugged him. "You okay, Woodland? What's wrong?" Shane asked. "I just wanna hug," Woodland mumbled. Shane smiled and gladly hugged the boy. Suddenly Shane felt a drop on his shoulder. He turned his head and looked at Woodland and saw he had tears on his cheeks. Shane tried to pull away to look at him but Woodland would let Shane go. "Woody, what's wrong?" Shane asked. He didn't get a reply. He only got a sniffle and Woodland hugging tighter. "Woody? Can you talk to me baby?" Shane asked and rubbed his back. "No," Woodland said quietly and sniffled. Shane sighed and stood up, lifting Woodland in the process. He walked over to the couch and stood Woodland in front of him. "No!" Woodland whined as Shane pulled him away. "Woody, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong," Shane said softly. Woodland looked down. "Please? It will help both of us if you talked about it," Shane said having an idea of why this sudden break. "I don't wanna talk about it," Woodland said. Shane said and grabbed his chin softly and forced him to look up. "Please baby? Just for a minute," Shane asked. Woodlands eyes drifted to the floor. "I was abused," He started. Shane let go of his chin and rubbed his arm with his thumb. "I was neglected," He added dropping his head. "I just wanna hug," Woodland mumbled. Shane grabbed his cheeks and made him look at him. "Look at me, Woodland," Shane said stern but soft. Woodland slowly looked up to meet Shanes eyes. "We are never going to neglect you! We are never going to abuse you! This is when you start over with your life. We will always love you, Tanner Woodland Adams-Yaw!" Shane said. Woodland cracked a smile. "You have a long name," Shane said and laughed which cause Woodland to Laugh. "We can drop Tanner," Woodland suggested. Shane chuckled at the suggestion. "So just Woodland Adams-Yaw?" Shane asked with a smile. Woodland shrugged. "Easier than Tanner Woodland Adams-Yaw," he said. Shane laughed and sighed. He kissed Woodlands head and pulled him in for a hug. "I love you Woodland," Shane said. "I love you too," Woodland said. Shane smiled and squeezed Woodland causing him to groan and both of them to laugh. "Lets go eat!" Shane said and let go off Woodland. Woodland looked at him and Shane grabbed a pillow and handed it to him. Woodland smiled and grabbed it. He looked at Shane and Shane kissed his head once again and they went to the kitchen. Woodland put the pillow on one of the stools and sat down. He put his right elbow on the table and his in his right hand with his left laying like it would be crossed. He watched as Shane put some soup in a bowl and warmed in up. Shane looked over at him and saw he was looking outside. Shane walked over and put his hand on his forehead. Woodland looked up at Shane but keeping his head still. "You feel like your fevers gone," Shane said and pulled his hand away. "It is," Woodland said. "How do you know?" Shane asked. Woodland shrugged. "I don't feel sick anymore," He said and looked at Shane scoffed. "You also left the thermometer in my room," He added and looked away. Shane chuckled and shook his head. "What?" Woodland asked confused. "You," Shane laughed. "Me?!" Woodland said and threw his arms down. "ME?!" He asked again causing Shane to laugh more. "You are so funny!" Shane laughed. Woodland faked a hurt expression. "How dare you make fun of me!" He said. Shane laughed and shook his head. "Oh you!" He said and ruffled his hair. Woodland smiled a goofy smile and Shane went to grab his bowl. He put it in front of Woodland and grabbed his own. "Thanks," Woodland said with a mouth full. "You're welcome," Shane said and started to eat some too. "I'm home!" Ryland said walking in. "Hey babe," Shane said. "Hi Ryland," Woodland said. "Hello! You feeling better Woods?" Ryland asked and put his bag down. "Yeah," Woodland answered and took another bite. "How was your day?" Shane asked and kissed Ryland as Ryland walked over. "It was good, how was yours?" Ryland replied. Shane looked at Woodland and smiled. "We had a good day," Shane answered. "Stop staring at me," Woodland said not lifting his head. "How did you even know I was looking at you?" Shane asked with a chuckle. "I can feel your eyes staring into my soul!" Woodland said looking at Shane and leaning forward a little causing Shane and Ryland to both laugh. "You're too funny!" Shane said once again. "How rude!" Woodland said and gasp with a fake hurt expression. "It's true!" Ryland agreed. "Or you too huh?" Woodland said and huffed. "You're mean!" Woodland whined and crossed his arms. "Oh poor baby had his feelings hurt!" Shane cooed and leaned forward. "Shane stop!" Woodland tried to hold in a laugh as Shane started tickling his side. "OH! Are you ticklish?" Shane asked already knowing the answer. "No!" Woodland replied. "Really?" Shane asked and grabbed his side making him jump and try to escape. "Ryland help!" Woodland screamed. Ryland laughed. "I'll help!" He said and walked over. Instead of helping him free he started to tickle him too. "NO! Stop!" Woodland screamed in between laughs. They finally stopped and Woodland was breathing heavy to regain control of himself. He sat up and put his palms on the table. "That wasn't nice," He said. "Oh Poopsie!" Shane said and poked his bottom lip out. Ryland laughed at the gesture and Woodland stifled a laugh. They finished eating and they went to the living room. "Want to watch a movie with us, Woodland?" Ryland asked. "Not really," He said and looked around the room and saw some books. He walked over and picked one up. He sat in the middle of them and laid his head on Shanes lap and his feet on Ryland's lap. "Fine then," Ryland laughed. "Sure I'll be your pillow," Shane said. "Thanks, you're the best!" Woodland smiled up at him. Shane shook his head and chuckled along Ryland. Shane hit play on the movie while Woodland read a book on their laps.

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