Chapter Six

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"Woodland, time to get up," Ryland said walking into Woodlands room. "No," Woodland muttered into his blanket. "You have school, Woody," Ryland said and flickered the light. Woodland groaned and covered his head. "Don't make me get Shane," Ryland threatened. "Go away!" Woodland growled. Ryland sighed and walked out. Woodland was almost asleep again when he felt three sharp slaps to his backside. "Ow! What the hell!" Woodland said and turned, covering his butt. "Tanner Woodland get out of bed right now, get dressed and apologize to Ryland for being rude to him and not listening," Shane said stern. Woodland frowned and sighed laying on his back taking a breath. "Now," Shane said and snapped his fingers. "No Shane, please!" Woodland whined and rubbed his face. "Why not?" Shane said and crossed his arms. "I dropped out for a reason!" Woodland said while keeping his face hidden. "You told us it was because you were in jail," Shane said confused. "Not the real reason," Woodland mumbled. "Then what is the real reason?" Shane asked, his face going a little softer. Woodland sighed and a single cry escaped his lips. "Woody?" Shane asked getting concerned. "You wouldn't understand!" Woodland said and covered his head with the blanket. "How would I not understand it?" Shane asked and sat on the bed. He was now concerned. He's never seen this side of Woodland. "Hm?" Shane asked and rubbed Woodlands head with his thumb. "I don't wanna talk about it!" Woodland sniffled and moved from Shanes touch. "Woodland, you need to tell me. I won't understand unless you tell me," Shane tried. Woodland sniffled and peaked his head out and looked at Shane. "Please?" Shane asked softly. "I can't," Woodland said and silently cried and looked away. Shane pulled the blanket down causing Woodland to whine and try to pull it back up. Shane held the blanket down and leaned over and looked at Woodland. "What happened at school?" Shane asked softly. Woodland let tears fall as he looked at Shane. "I can't go back," Woodland cried. Shane put his hand on his cheek and rubbed his thumb over his cheek. "Hey!" Shane said and wiped the tears off his face. "Don't cry, you're okay," Shane said and looked at Woodland in the eye. "You're safe," Shane said. Woodland sniffled. "Not at school," He muttered. Shane furrowed his eye brows together and looked at him confused. "How so?" Shane asked. "Last time I was at that school," He started but stopped and looked away. "Woody?" Shane asked. There was silence for a moment. "I was raped and almost killed," Woodland mumbled. Shane looked at him in shock and heart broken. "Woodland, oh my god!" Shane said and a tear fell from his eye as well. Shane pulled Woodland up and hugged as the boy sobbed into his chest. "Sh baby, you're okay!" Shane cooed. "Please don't make me go back!" Woodland cried. Shane shushed him and rubbed his back. "No baby, you can stay home today while I figure this out," Shane said softly. Woodland sniffled and hugged Shane. "Ryland doesn't have to work today for some reason so he can stay home with you," Shane said and rocked him softly side to side. "You still need to get up," Shane said and pulled away. Woodland nodded and looked down in disbelief. "What's wrong?" Shane asked noticing he was upset about something. "I've never told anyone that," He muttered keeping his head down. Shane sighed and kissed his head. "I'm glad you told me!" Shane said and made him look at him. Woodland cracked a small smile, feeling he's done something right for once. "Lets go!" Shane said and stood up. Woodland whined. Shane grabbed his chin and left a giant kiss on his cheek. "Ew, Shane!" Woodland whined. Shane laughed and pulled him out of bed. "Lets go!" Shane said and pulled him with him to the door. They went downstairs and Ryland noticed Woodland wasn't ready for school. "What's going on?" Ryland asked and put his coffee cup in the sink. "Woodlands staying home today," Shane said. Ryland looked at him confused. Shane just mouthed, 'I'll tell you later'. Ryland sighed and nodded. "Okay," He said. Shane grabbed a diet root beer out of the fridge. "Call me if you need anything or have any trouble!" Shane said. "I will!" Ryland said and kissed him. Shane smiled and walked towards the door. As he was passing Woodland he grabbed his head and kissed it. "Be good!" Shane warned. Woodland nodded and looked down. "Ouch!" Woodland yelped and jumped. "Words," Shane said. "Yes sir," Woodland said and rubbed his butt where he was pinched. "Thank you, bye!" Shane said and left. Woodland sighed and made eye contact with Ryland for a brief second before looking away. "Are you hungry?" Ryland asked. "Yeah," Woodland mumbled. Ryland nodded and pulled out the stuff to make pancakes. "Do you like pancakes?" Ryland asked. Woodland looked at him before nodding and looking down. "Do-," Woodland started be stopped and looked down. "Do what baby?" Ryland asked. "Do you have blueberry pancakes?" Woodland asked. "Yeah, want one?" Ryland asked. Woodland nodded. "Words, Woody," Ryland lightly scowled. "Yes sir," Woodland mumbled. "Thank you," Ryland said. Woodland and sat down. "Can I go swimming?" Woodland asked after noticing they had a pool. "Yeah, after you eat!" Ryland said. Woodland nodded and watched as Ryland made the pancakes. "Here bud," Ryland said and put the plate In front of Woodland. "Thanks," Woodland said and picked up the fork. "You're welcome!" Ryland smiled and sat next to him. "Are you feeling okay?" Ryland asked, still curios about why he didn't go to school. "Yeah," Woodland answered and continued to eat. "Why didn't you go to school?" Ryland asked. Woodland looked down and looked in though. "Woody?" Ryland asked. "I don't wanna talk about it," He answered and continued to eat. "Okay, we won't talk about it right now," Ryland answered. Woodland nodded. He stood up and put his plate in the sink then ran up stairs. Ryland chuckled softly as he ran upstairs. Ryland put his plate away and heard the door close. He looked out the window and saw Woodland walk to the pool. He frowned as he saw the scars on Woodlands back. Woodland got in the pool. "Poor boy!" Ryland said to himself and put his cup away. He went to his computer and looked for jobs. He doesn't want to tell said he got fired. Not yet at least. Woodland soon got tired of swimming and saw a giant duck float. He grabbed it and put it in the pool. He laid on it on his stomach and laid there. About thirty minutes later Shane walked through the gate. He saw Woodland asleep on the float and country music playing. Shane cooed. He took a picture and went inside. "Hey hun," Ryland said as he saw Shane. "How was work?" He asked Shane. "It was good!" Shane said and kissed him. "Have you seen Woody?" Shane asked. Ryland was confused and furrowed his eye brows together. Shane chuckled and showed him the picture. "Awe baby!" Ryland cooed. "Maybe we should bring him in," Ryland suggested. "I'll get him," Shane said. Ryland nodded and Shane went outside to get him. "Woody?" Shane cooed. Woodland moaned and rubbed his eyes and slowly opened them. "Hey baby, why don't you come inside?" Shane asked. Woodland sat up on float and looked at Shane. "No, I'm not tired," Woodland mumbled and sat Indian style on the float. Shane chuckled. "No?" Shane asked and crouch by the edge of the pool. "No," Woodland mumbled and fisted his eye and looked at Shane. Ryland was watching from the window, smiling at the interaction between his husband and son. "Come on woody you're tired!" Shane said and motioned for Woodland to come to come to him. Woodland huffed and laid back on the float. "I'm not tired," Woodland said. "Come on woody," Shane cooed. Woodland looked at Shane and yawned. Woodland finally decided to get out of the pool. He sat up and slowly lowered himself into the pool. "Can you get the float out?" Shane asked. Woodland looked at the float and pushed it to the side. Shane grabbed the float and pulled it out. Woodland walked to the edge of the pool and he looked at Shane. Shane looked at him and Woodland reached for Shane. Shane chuckled and grabbed his hands and pulled him out. "Did you bring a towel outside?" Shane asked. Woodland shook his head no and rubbed his eye. "Why not?" Shane asked. "I didn't know where they were," Woodland said. "Why didn't you ask Ryland?" Shane asked. Woodland shrugged. "I didn't think about it," Woodland said. Shane chuckled. "Wait here," Shane said. Woodland nodded and yawned. Shane walked inside to grab a towel for him. He came back out and saw Woodland laying on the ground. "Woody? Why are on the ground?" Shane chuckled. "Tired," Woodland mumbled. Shane chuckled and laid the towel on him. "Lets go inside then," Shane said and lifted him off the ground. "Carry me," Woodland whined. Shane sighed and picked him up. Woodland laid his head on Shanes shoulder. Shane rubbed his back and carried him inside. "Can you dry yourself off and get out of these wet clothes?" Shane asked as he got to Woodlands room. "No," Woodland mumbled. "Please?" Shane asked and put him down. "No, I'm tired!" Woodland whined. "You don't want me to change you do you, do you?" Shane asked. "No," Woodland agreed. "Okay then, get dried and change when you're done you can go to sleep," Shane said. "Okay," Woodland said. Shane ruffled his hair and left the room. Shane went to his room and changed from his now wet shirt to a dry one. "Shane," Shane heard Woodland call. Shane walked back to Woodlands room and he was laying in bed. "Hey babe," Shane cooed. "Lay with me," Woodland said and reached for Shane. Shane smiled and walked over and moved Woodland over a little and laid next to him. Woodland hugged Shane and snuggled next to him. Shane rubbed his back and laid with him until he was asleep. After Shane knew Woodland was asleep he carefully got out of bed and went to his room. He saw Ryland's computer opened and Ryland was in the bathroom. Shane sat on the bed and Shane noticed he was looking for job. "Did Ryland lose his job?" Shane asked himself.

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