Completely, Sure As Hell, One Hundred Percent, Hated Him

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There were many reasons why I hated Jason White. For one he was one of those people that you couldn't just say their first name. It was beyond annoying.
Secondly, he got whatever he wanted. No matter the cost or reason, he always got what he wanted. Someone needed to teach him a lesson.
Thirdly, he was a player. The cocky jock who flirted with every girl there was in the school. Girls flung themselves at him left and right and he took them all in.
Fourth, he was absolutely charming. His pearly white smile and dark dark dark brown hair that stayed puffed up in this sexy way. The slight tightness at the corners of his eyes when he laughed- they scrunched up as did his slim nose. He had startling coffee brown eyes and a breath taking body... That I could totally f-
I hated him. I shifted in my seat and put my hands in my joggers pockets, trying to hide my boner.
Completely, sure as hell, one hundred percent, hated him.

Sabotaging Jason WhiteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang