I'm The Cheech Without My Chong

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I walked over to the snow dusted bench that had a to go bag sitting on top of it. Grinning, I took the warm box of heaven in my arms.
I'm definitely going to eat these all tonight.

jw: dude!
me: yeah?
jw: thanks for "Jump In!" and the Fanboy And Chum Chum DVDs
me: thanks for the spring rolls.
me: by the way. it's every episode that's aired (:
jw: Xan. I think I might be in love with you
me: haha. well I'm definitely winning against Steadman then aren't I?
jw: yeah I guess you are (:
jw: funny fact. me and him stayed up all night watching "Jump In!" during Halloween after we got drunk
me: let's not forget you were high that night too
me: munchies boy
jw: yeah. it's pretty funny you picked that movie
me: I picked it because Corbin Bleu is hot
jw: ah so you are gay huh? (;
me: maybe. you'll find out in the summer. (;
jw: can't wait!
me: hey. merry Christmas Jas
jw: merry Christmas Xan (:

I smile down at my phone, walking back to my car with the spring rolls warming my chest. Everything felt amazing. Snow was falling on Christmas Eve- I pulled my phone back out to check the time. Well I guess actually on Christmas but still. I had spring rolls and I was talking to Jason.
That idiot that I couldn't help but smile about when I thought of him.
I drove home and instantly devoured the spring rolls in my bed, watching Mistletones on ABC Family.
It was the perfect Christmas.

Jason's point of view

I sat the box of spring rolls in the to go bag down on the park bench, quickly slipping into the slide on the playground. Now all I had to do was wait for Xan to show up and get his gift.
I looked down at the DVDs in my hands he had bought me and smiled. He knew exactly what to get me. God that boy was driving me crazy.
I heard a car door shut and snow crunch under the weight of someone's feet. I instantly looked up, watching the dark silhouette move over to the bench.
Xan looked around the park, making sure no one was here. I ducked down a bit, just to be safe even though I knew he couldn't see me in the dark this far. He turned back to face the bench and I sat up again, trying to see.
He eagerly took the food into his arms, hugging it to his chest. A spec of light hit his perfect hair, making me smile manically.
I only knew one person that could wear a duffel coat and look that good doing so and loved spring rolls that much.
I couldn't help but grin. I had figured it out.

"Dude! How was break?" Joseph asked, plopping down at the lunch table. His tray piled with food as always.
"Good," I grinned and looked over at Brett who was talking to Asia. "Hey how's Cleo and the baby doing?" I turn to Travis and spoon soup into my mouth.
"Good. We have a doctors appointment today to check up on everything." He smiled at me and looked over to Cleo across the lunch room.
"You lovesick fool." Joseph teased his twin before shoving a fry into his mouth.
Travis just shrugged, a smug look on his face.
Perfect time to start the plan.
I made a commotion of "accidentally" bumping into Brett as I stood up from the table, getting him to look away from Lexi. I had scoped out the black haired boy from the party as soon as lunch started and now was my time to talking to him.
Operation: Fake Brett Into Thinking You Think Xan is This Kid so The Real Xan- Brett- Will Come Out to You.
It sounds better in my head, okay?
I walk over to the boy and sit beside him. His table was chatting away but still- I tapped his shoulder, pulling him away from the conversation.
"Hey," He turned to look at me, flashing a braced smile. I didn't remember him having braces. Then again... I was pretty fucked up on Halloween.
"Hey. What've you been up to since we last talked?" I asked, making him chuckle in his husky voice.
He's really cute. Why hadn't I figured this out earlier?
Unfortunately for him though, my player days are over.
"School. Parties. You?" He looked at me with his icy blue eyes and I couldn't help but shiver under his gaze. I mean, who actually stares at someone that intensely?
"Same." I say and he nods. "Hey we should hang out some time." I nudge his shoulder playfully.
Brett better be watching this exchange go down. Or else- I'M BEING A HOE FOR NOTHING! I'M PRACTICALLY CHEATING ON XAN-
Shut up! You're not even together. Yet.
He throws his head back and laughs with that husky voice.
"Yeah. We should definitely do that man." He bumps my shoulder back.
"Cool. Maybe I could get your number?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him.
"I actually fucked up my phone jumping off the roof of some kid's house and into a swimming pool, the other day," He scratched his fair toned neck in embarrassment, a blush creeping up on to his cheeks.
"You're quite the person when you're high." I tease him with a grin on my face.
"I'm the Cheech without my Chong." He shrugged.
"Well how about we do something tomorrow then?" I suggest.
"Yeah sure. I'll find you after school." He says and I nod, standing up.
I turn around to head back to my table. Brett's eyes are bored into me, a venom behind them. I grin at him and sign to him from across the room.
"He's cute," I say to Brett, furthering his hatred. He quickly looks away, continuing his conversation with Lexi.
"Hey. What's your name anyways?" I turn back around to the mysterious boy.
He rakes one of his pale hands though licorice hair, moving it out from in front of his stunning blue eyes. He sends me a grin, flashing his eye matching banded braces and licks his lips adorably.

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