Listen Lady, I Think It's Flattering And All You Want to Talk to Me

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   I woke up the morning, bright and early, with a smirk on my face.
The plan to sabotage Jason White was finally starting. Soon he'd be falling into my hands hopelessly.
   I planned to lead him on, thick artificial lust and heavy yearning. He'd be begging at my knees, asking me to come back once I withdrew.
   He'd be pleading for me to keep quiet about his secrets.
   I'd have him wrapped around my finger.
   Except he couldn't know who I was, otherwise this wouldn't work out. I'm not an idiot, I had created a new email just to message him. I took in every precaution I could think of so he wouldn't know who I was.
   Right now, I was and he'd never know anything other than that name. I planned to stick to the plan then desert him, having him hanging on the edge, sheer panic coursing through his whole being at every moment.
   I know. I know. I hear you saying I'm an asshole, but I'm really not. It was simply karma that I, myself, had taken upon distributing, at the realization that nothing would ever happen to Jason White in return for everything he did. Somehow, the balance of the world leaned his way and nothing seemed to be thrown back at him. Simply put, Jason White didn't know karma existed. He was blessed; everything was handed to him on a gold platter, all he wanted was quickly gave to him, and that was just it. Others paid the price and he didn't so much as bat an eye in their way.
   He never got anything in return for the way he treated others. But I was going to fix that.
   I absolutely hated him. Or maybe I was just jeal-
   Ping!, my alert flash lit up the room.
   I groaned, looking at my computer as a notification popped up on the screen.

   New message from Jason White,! Touch to open.
   I took my time opening up the email, not wanting to break rule number one.
   Never respond within an hour.
   But I had to. Otherwise the conversation would never start.
   It was a tricky battlefield; you had to have leverage, but to get leverage, you had to let them be above you and slowly climb to the top. So I let Jason White be above me, and I responded.

   Yesterday's email chain: Hey Sup
   Today: Who exactly are you? Nice way to greet someone in the morning Whatever. Morning Morning Listen lady, I think it's flattering and all you want to talk to me but I'm not digging your front
   What an arrogant asshole! Christ he got under my skin! Who does he think he is, thinking I'm a girl that's obsessed with him?
   Wait- maybe I should pretend to be a girl. Maybe the plan would work faster and I know for certain it'd be more efficient on getting him to talk to me. I mean he's not gay or bi or pan or anything but straight!
   But then again, I need to get as much on him as I could.
   I shook my head of the oncoming thoughts and tried to focus on a response. My mind drew a blank and eventually I logged out and got off of my laptop.
   At least I had school to distract me.

   Unfortunately, school was doing a shit job at distracting me. My thoughts kept going back to the emails.
   My fingertips tingled in an anticipation. I mean... it had been a few hours.
   Before I could stop myself, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my phone. I slid my thumb across the screen, opening up to my home page and clicked the mail icon.
   Okay so maybe I was a bit obsessed.
   But it was only an obsession of giving him what he dealt. A taste of his own medicine.
   I quickly typed a response to his email, eyeing to teacher to make sure she didn't catch me with my phone out. Listen lady, I think it's flattering and all you want to talk to me, but I'm not digging your front
   As I reread his email, I couldn't help but snort. Such a prick. Newsflash, I neither am a "lady" nor do I want to talk to you. And I damn sure don't want you getting flattered because of me
   It didn't take long for my phone to softly vibrate in my hands, causing me to look up at the teacher. She still hasn't noticed my phone was out. You're a guy? And if you don't want to talk to me then why'd you do it? email me I mean Yeah
   I sat there, raking my mind for something to say as I sat with my phone out, under the desk, the email undelivered. Yeah. I don't have any else better to do
   I rolled my eyes, I clearly had other things to do- much better things to do in fact. But not as much as I wanted as I did with getting back at Jason White. Whatever. Again, who are you? Doesn't matter
   He didn't respond after six minutes so I gently tucked my phone back into my pocket, looking back up at the notes the history teacher was writing across the board.
It doesn't matter who I am. I just need to know who you are.

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