Like The Beard

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Jason's point of view

Xan: I don't think I can go to the movies tomorrow
me: what why? I thought you said you could ):
Xan: that was before I threw up today. my mom said I have a bug so I'm on house arrest for the next three to four days dude
me: oh that sucks. I'm sorry ):
Xan: it is what it is I guess
me: I hope you feel better
Xan: thanks man

I let out a sigh and shift in my seat, suddenly feeling uneasy. Carter glances at me, sending me a confused look and I slide my phone over to him, not caring about the teacher. She doesn't do shit anyways.
Carter's the only one that knows about Xan. I had told him a few weeks ago when I got curious as to who it was and just couldn't bare it any longer. Of course, neither of us had tried to figure out who Xan really was, Carter was more of a reassuring support. But it was nice still.
"Sorry man. You'll get him another time," He shoots me a sad smile and pats my shoulder. "Next time man."

Brett's point of view

I sigh and fling myself on to my bed, feeling the springs creak under my weight. Lying all day and keeping secrets is exhausting, especially when you were around the person you are lying to, all the time.
I don't know. Hanging out with Jason started becoming a regular thing and it was stressful, but it was also kind of nice...
God this was confusing.

I stumble into the theater office, my eyes nearly shut from fatigue. I hadn't slept last night at all, thinking about Jason.
Kicking his chair when I enter, I sit in my own, going to close my eyes when I feel a notebook slip into my lap, making me look up at Jason. His coffee brown eyes trail over my face, resting at my chin for a moment. I smirked.

like the beard?

I handed the notebook back over to him and chuckled, scratching my stubble for effect. I haven't shaved in a few days and hair was sprouting from my chin.

looks good

Looking back at Jason, I stared at his jaw. I never realized how strong and defined his bare jaw was, not a hint of hair but ridiculously good looking muscles.
Jason saw me and grinned, making me look away in embarrassment. Fuck, he always had to catch me watching him.

are you okay? you look dead

I grinned at his words, sticking my hands under my chin and fluttered my eyelashes. He rolled his eyes at me but a smile played at his pink lips.

yeah. was just a long night last night

Jason nodded and grabbed the pencil, writing on the notebook over my lap. I felt my cheeks flush at the close proximity of his body and looked down at what he wrote as he moved away.

want me to cover for you today? you can take a nap

I nod and give him the notebook and pencil so he could draw. Soon I closed my eyes, falling asleep feeling Jason's eyes latched on to me.

"Hey," Jason shook me. He tapped his wrist, telling me it was lunch time and held out a hand. Rubbing my eyes of sleep, I took his hand, letting him pull me up.
Tingles shot throughout my body as the contact and I quickly pulled back my hand when I was up. Jason looked over at me with knitted eyebrows and a slight frown.
"Wanna talk together?" He said and pointed to the lunch room just outside of the theater. The orchestra still hadn't had their performance yet but today was their last practice.
We gathered up our stuff and made way to the lunch room, sitting down at our unassigned assigned table. The table seemed different and I sat there trying to figure out what was wrong when I realized Chase wasn't there.
"Where's Chase?" I saw Jason ask the table.
"Something about a headache, saying he felt sick." Joseph said without looking up from his food.
I tried to focus on his lip, seeing what he was saying when it dawned on me.
Saying he felt sick.
I whipped my head around to look at Jason with horrified eyes. His eyebrows were knitted, his forehead creased with confusion then his expression flipped.
Does he think Chase is Xan?
No! Fuck, he can't think that.
I nudge Jason and he looks at me with something indescribable. He looks sad and content and confused all at the same time.
"What's wrong?" I mouth to him, feeling a small vibration in the back of my throat.
"Nothing. I'm just-" He said and stopped speaking. He quickly got up and left without saying anything else.
Carter looked at me with a confused look and I shrugged, pulling out my phone. Should I text him first or should I just let it go? I was about to just give up and pocket my phone when it vibrated.

jw: hey
me: hey
me: aren't you supposed to be in school?
jw: since when has school stopped us from talking? and aren't you supposed to be sick?
me: true and yeah but I'm bored. sitting at home all day watching cartoons isn't exactly interesting
jw: and school is?
me: not really but I do get to see you there
jw: oh
jw: why can't you tell me who you are?
me: like you can't figure it out? come on dude. you're freaking Jason White, the king of Crossley Frank High.
jw: what's that mean?
me: you wouldn't want to be seen with me
jw: give it a shot
me: you wouldn't give people like me a shot

But the truth was, he already had given me a shot and he was seen with me every day. Yet, nothing seemed to change for him. It was like I was just a normal fixture on his life, like I had just always been there.

jw: I'm not like who you think I am
me: I know
jw: you don't know me
me: I know Jas
jw: or do you know me? because I thought I had you figured out and then things turn around and slap me in the face
me: what do you mean?
jw: it's just coincidental that Chase Rite and you are sick at the same time?
me: I didn't know he was sick but I'm not him
jw: how do I know you're not Chase? how do I know you're not just lying to me?
me: because. you just gotta trust me on this.
me: I'm not going to the movies tomorrow but I bet he will. a headache doesn't make someone sick for more than a day
jw: how do you know he had a head ache?
me: didn't you tell me?

Oh shit I fucked up.

jw: no.
me: oh. must've heard it around school
jw: you said you're sick and are at home

God damn it! Why couldn't I keep my shit straight this time?

jw: you know what? whatever Xan. I'm over all the lying
me: Jason dude chill
jw: why can't you just tell me the truth for once?
me: it's hard to say things to you

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