Well You're A Peeping Tom

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jw: hey
me: hey
jw: first time you didn't say sup
me: ShUt uP
jw: lmao. how are you?
me: I'm good. you?
jw: pretty sore but fine (:
me: what from?
jw: sex (;
me: heard you got in a fight
jw: I wouldn't really call it a "fight" but I guess
me: why
jw: why what
me: why'd you get in a fight
jw: it doesn't matter
me: oh okay

We were both quiet for a moment. I was about to give up and walk away when I felt my phone vibrate to his alert.

jw: the guy was being an asshole
me: you don't have to talk about it
jw: I know
me: Have you ate?
jw: yeah you?
me: yeah
jw: good
me: yeah
jw: what're you doing
me: homework

I couldn't think in class today. I just kept worry about Jason, replaying everything in my head.

jw: what subject is it over?
me: haha. you're not going to figure out who I am that easy
jw: oh well
jw: what's your favorite food?
me: spring rolls. yours?
jw: how fancy. my cuisine is cereál
me: did you really just put an accent mark over cereal to make it look fancy?
jw: so what if I did?
me: you're such a weirdo
jw: I know
jw: people think I'm an even bigger one. today in lunch everyone asked me why I had tape over my camera
me: you didn't. seriously?
jw: dead ass.
me: you have problems
jw: so do you
me: inform me on one of them Jason White
jw: well you're a peeping tom which is why I have my camera covered with electrical tape
me: I am not
jw: are too
me: whatever
jw: oh please. like you wouldn't stare at me if you had the chance
me: I'm not gay

I rolled my eyes and grinned at my lie. He wouldn't even know the half of it.

jw: yet

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