Pretty drunk. And High

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"Hey," Jason said on Monday as I walked into the music office.
"Hey," I nod back and sit in my seat, silently praying Mrs. Vale needed me to do something today.
"You cool? You seem... off." Jason shot me a worried look, his hands slowly signing.
I noticed he still had on his rings and was wearing a random varsity jacket with a denim torso and forest green cotton sleeves.
His caramel skin and dark brown eyes... The way his wavy dark brown hair was a mess every now and again. The way he wore band tee-shirts nearly all the time.
Everything about him was driving me over the edge.
"Yeah. I'm good." I say and smack the back of my right hand into my left palm.
"Umm-" Jason turned to me, a searching expression on his face. "Do you remember what happened Friday night?" His eyes raked across my face, clearly wanting me to say something.
But what did he want? I couldn't just say yes, how the hell would that end? I couldn't say no either, because he could probably tell I'm lying.
Then again, I've been lying for months, pretending to be Xan just so I could talk to Jason. And as far as I knew, he didn't know it was really me.
I had totally changed the plan so I could get with Jason White. But I couldn't be with him.
"No, I got pretty drunk. And high." I force a laugh, trying to ease the mood.
"Oh..." Jason said and leaned back into his chair. He tried hiding his disappointment at my words but failed miserably.
"Do you?" I ask him, my eyes traveling all over his face, taking in every detail.
"No." He lied too.

Travis's point of view

Looking at the small clothes, a smile grew on my face. I turned to Cleo, showing her the baby outfit.
"That's adorable!" She beamed.
"Jesus, you're beautiful." I grinned and pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her.
"You've been quite the loving boyfriend lately," Cleo giggled as I kissed her neck and she playfully swatted me away from her ticklish spot.
"I'm always loving!" I defend myself. Pulling out another outfit before pushing our cart over to the bottle aisle.
"Yeah, that's true." Cleo said, following after me. "You're really excited about having the baby, huh?" My girlfriend teased me.
"Of course I am!" I grinned over at her.
"I know we didn't exactly plan this and we're only seventeen but I couldn't imagine being a parent with anyone but you, Cle." I grab her hand, placing a kiss to each knuckle.
"I love you." She says before pulling away to grab a couple boxes of baby bottles.
"I'm in love with you." She rolls her eyes at me and I smirk back.
"I'm in love with you too. Better?" She mocks me and I fake an excited nod.
"Really though," Cleo says, moving back to me. She wraps her arms around my back, closing the distance between us. "You're going to be an amazing father no matter how old you are and who you're with, Trav." She says.
I see a small frown start to build on her lips at the thought of me with someone else which makes me quickly lean in, kissing her softly.
"I'm only going to be with you." I say then kiss her forehead, holding her in my arms. "The wonderful mother to our child."
"Vis! You're gonna give me acne!" Cleo gasped, rubbing away my kiss from her forehead. Chuckling, I pull her in closer.

Jason's point of view

"Hey, dad, I'm home!" Xander said as we stepped inside his house.
It was our second time hanging out and Xander had decided to invite me over to his house this turn.
"Oh great! Who's this?" His dad said, walking into the room. He wiped his hands on a towel, slung over his shoulder, and shook my hand.
"Jason White. Nice to meet you, sir." I say, pressing a smile to my face.
"Good handshake," He chuckles at me. "I'm Xander's father, Ashton." The man introduced himself.
"Well me and Jason are gonna go hang out upstairs." Xander says and walks away to the base of the stairs.
"Alright. Dinner will be done here shortly. Jason, feel free to stay for it if you'd like." Ashton offers and walks back to the kitchen.
I follow Xander up the stairs and we walk into his room.
"Wow," I say, taking in his walls. "That's a lot of yellow."
"Yeah. It's kind of my favorite color!" Xander shrugs while kicking his door shut.
"Really?" I eye him and try to think back on Christmas Eve in the park.
I really couldn't see the face, just the hair but now that I think about it- I couldn't remember anything about Xan from that night. It was like my memory had just been erased off of a sudden. So much for my stalking plan.
"Yep." Xander says, plopping on his bed. Clothes and books are skewed all throughout his room. I thought I was messy.
"I'm surprised your mom doesn't make you clean this," I say and kick one of his shirts for emphasis.
"Heterosexual normalization at its finest my man." Xander chuckles and shakes his head.
"My dad's aromantic but my mom ran out on us after I was born." He lays down.
"Oh. Sorry." I say and sit next to him.
"It's cool." He shrugs. "Hey can I ask you something?" His blue eyes turned to me.
"Sure." I shrug.
"Do you ever lie to someone and wish you didn't because it gets exhausting after so long?" Xander's eyes move over my face as he sits up.
"Damn. That's a lot, sounds like you got some shit on you," I stare back at him. He just shrugs.
"Yeah. I do, all the time." I answer and smack my shoulder into his.
Xander looks at me for a minute and before I can even process what he does, he has his mouth pressed to mine, his hands resting on the back of my neck.
I freeze under the kiss, not moving my lips at all.
"Sorry." He says and pulls back quickly. "I didn't feel anything." He clicks the toes of his shoes together.
"I didn't either," I say truthfully.
I didn't feel a spark like I did with Brett.
But that didn't make sense. I'm in love with Xan not Brett! Xander's the only person that makes sense being Xan.
God damn it! Why was all of this so confusing?

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