You're One of Us Now

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"So you told him?" Chase signs to me at lunch.
"Yeah. He was asking and I know you don't care." I sign back and shrug.
Chase didn't care that people knew he was gay, he was pretty open with it. He was just curious I had told Jason after what had happened in Riverview with all the assholes and bullying.
"Well I'm proud of you. I know that took a lot," Chase smiled at me.
"He said he wouldn't tell anyone so it's not that big of a deal." I shake my head at him and look over at Jason.
Somehow I had begun to trust him since the diner a week ago. He seemed to actually be tolerable.
Jason caught me staring and flashed me a smile. I shook my head and turned back to my lunch tray, stuffing a French fry into my mouth.
As much as Jason was actually being tolerable for once, and as much as I didn't hate him like I did a few weeks ago, I was still pretending to be Xan.
Sometimes I felt like a jerk for still going through with a plan, but the plan had changed since the Saturday after the diner.

"Hey," Jason waved to me the next day as we sat in the office.

I was thinking maybe we could go to the diner again on Friday if you wanted

I looked up at him and nodded, causing him to smile.
What the hell was wrong with him?

me: hey
jw: hey hey
me: sorry. it's been a busy week
jw: it's okay
me: alright
jw: hey I was thinking
me: didn't know you knew how to do that (;
jw: haha. you're funny Xan.
me: I try to be
jw: and you fail horribly every time
me: whatever. so what were you saying?
jw: my friends and I are going to go to the movies this Thursday. I thought maybe you could come. we don't have to sit together and I won't even know who you are
me: oh
jw: come on. pleassssseeeee?
me: you're such a beggar
jw: yeah yeah. so?
me: I don't know
me: seems risky
jw: don't sit with us then. there's a whole theater and it'll be dark anyways
me: who's all going?
jw: just my usual friends. Carter, Travis and Joseph, Lexi, Asia, Chase, and maybe Steadman. I haven't gotten to ask him yet though
me: didn't realize you two are friends now
jw: eh for him probably not but I think it's long past due the title. I mean we're definitely more than acquaintances
me: I see. well congrats
jw: thanks
jw: I'm kind of nervous to ask him
me: what why
jw: he'll probably say no
me: you never know Jas.
jw: I never know a lot

"Hey you!" Carter and Lexi loop their arms through mine as we head to lunch. Music class ended up being in the theater due to a performance coming up and conveniently the indoor pool was next door.
We walk to our table and the two sit together on their side of the circle. A little too together... I squint my eyes at Carter and he sends me an embarrassed smile with blushed cheeks.
I had gotten to know everyone in the group over the few weeks of me sitting with them. And it was clear as day that Lexi and Carter both had a major thing for each other.
Jason slipped down on my left and Joseph took my right, instantly starting to devour what's on his tray. Travis and Asia walked in last, laughing and chatting away but I couldn't read what they were saying.
I felt a tug on my left wrist and turned to look at Jason with a raised eyebrow.


He pushed his journal to me and held out the pencil.


Pushing his journal back, I shot him a confused look and he rolled his eyes. Trying to shield the writing, with his arm, from everyone at our table, Jason then scribbled down something else.

what are you doing Thursday?

Oh shit. Here it was, as expected. But it's so soon, I mean we just talked about it last night...
Not that he knew that it was us talking.

also, why are you frowning?

Jason handed me the journal and I read his last sentence. Damn, I needed to stop letting my emotions show around him.

1. I don't know
2. it's nothing
okay... so you're free Thursday night?
I guess.
so?? what exactly are you asking for
well. I wanted to see if you wanted to maybe come to the movies. everyone is going and I just thought I should invite you since you're one of us now.

One of us now...

yeah. I'll see if I can
dude. your parents are sick. they're definitely let you come

I rolled my eyes at Jason and he put away the journal, flashing me a smile again.
Two invitations to go to the movies. But who do I show up as?
What the fuck did I just get myself into?

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