Seems Like You Know Steadman

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Jason's point of view

"Hey man, wait up!" I shout to Chase and jog up next to him. We were leaving the track from practice and I had been dying to talk to him the whole time.
Sure Xan made it seem like talking to Brett would be better but I just couldn't think around him. He did things to me.
"What's up?" Chase eyed me over his shoulder.
"Seems like you know Steadman." I say and watch his face for any hint of expression.
He laughed and looked at me.
"Yeah... We do know each other." Chase rubbed his neck and looked down at me. "It's not really my place to say. You should ask him yourself if you want to know."
I couldn't just ask him myself. I had put it off for a week since my conversation with Xan. And still, I had come to Chase instead of Brett.
"Yeah. Maybe I will," I lied.
We came up beside Chase's car and he looked at me.
"Want a ride home?" He asks, unlocking the doors.
I shook my head.
"No. I gotta go do something. Thanks though, man." I wave as he slipped inside his car, driving off.
All I wanted was to talk to Xan. This shit was so frustrating. God damn it!

me: hey
Xan: sup
me: what're you doing
Xan: going to get something to eat

I looked up around the buffet, thinking I should eat something myself. I sighed and looked back down at my phone.

Xan: what about you?
me: drawing
Xan: I didn't know you draw
me: yeah. only one person does. well I guess now two including you
Xan: oh? who's the other?
me: that Steadman kid
Xan: ah. hey speaking of him did you find out the whole chase and him situation?
me: no. I guess it doesn't matter really

I went back to drawing in my journal. Somehow the drawing had just turned into a bunch of blobs. Sighing, I pushed my notebook away and laid my head on my arms against the sticky table.
"Hey," The girl from last time I was here said to me. I looked up from my arms at her. She was pretty, definitely Travis's type so I guess it made since they liked each other.
"I just wanted to let you know that we will be closing in fifteen minutes." She said, looking at her watch to make sure.
"Okay. What time is it?" I asked her.
"Nine fifteen." She checked again.
"Thanks. I'll be sure to leave here in a few." I smiled at her. She nodded and walked away.
She seems nice.
"Hello, welcome to Chi's Chinese Buffet!" A voice greeted someone as they walked into the restaurant.
What idiot came into eat this late?
I looked over into the entry and my eyes landed on him.
That idiot apparently.
I gathered my things from the table, sipping on the last bit of my Sprite before walking over to him.
Fucking Steadman. Of course he'd come here this late.
He was writing on a notepad and handed it over to the man working behind the counter. The man nodded and walked into a door to the left.
Standing next to Brett, I leaned in to nudge him with my shoulder. He jumped at the contact and his eyes widened at the sight of me.
"Oh, it's you." He mouthed. I shrugged as he reached for his notepad off the counter, a slight frown on his face.
We stood in silence until the man came back out, carrying a to go sack. I eyed Brett suspiciously, who just ignored me. Like always.
"Here you go." The man said and handed the bag to Brett, who eagerly took it, licking his lips. I couldn't help but grin at the scene. Man, he's adorable.
He began to pull out his wallet when I pushed his arm down and retrieved mine. I ended up paying for mine and his meals both- really just my glasses of Sprite since I didn't eat anything.
Brett turned to go when I caught his arm. He raised an eyebrow as we walked outside together in silence.
"Want to go get something to eat?" I said, hoping he'd be able to see my mouth in the dim lights outside the restaurant.
The brisk chill air whipped around us gently, slowing down its pace under the Chinese restaurant's roof. I looked over Brett's shoulder at the big golden doors, my back to the burning red lanterns that clung to the edges of the sharp roof.
Of course he couldn't see what I said and knitted his eyebrows in confusion. Wrinkles popped up on his forehead and I smiled, causing him to be even more confused.
I pulled out my journal and flipped to the back.

Want to go get something to eat?

I handed it to him and pushed him closer to the lantern that was nearest to us. He snapped his fingers and laid out his hand. I figured he wanted the pencil so I quickly handed it over.

I just got food dipshit

I chuckled and felt a grin spread across my face, earning Brett to roll his eyes at me.

you could drop the food off at your house or you could just eat it at the diner
the diner?
yeah. I'm in the mood for pancakes not Chinese food
I guess I could

He handed my things back and pulled out his phone. Dropping my journal and pencil into my bag, I slung it over my shoulder, and watched him. He sent a message to someone, probably saying he'd be staying out late or something along the lines of that.
Then he angled his phone to me so I could read the messages.

Brett: Hey mom I'm going to be staying out for awhile to eat. I'll drop the food off at the house then head out
Mom: Alright honey. Have fun (;

   Damn he had chill parents.
I nodded at him and he made his way over to his car. I followed him and slipped into the passenger seat, getting an annoyed look from Brett, sent my way. I pointed to my chest and then showed walking legs with my fingers.
He rolled his eyes and started the car. Brett handed me the bag and gave me a stern look as if to say I better not touch anything in it. I stuck my hands up in surrender and then looked out the window.
It's was a dark cloudless night and foggy stars glittered the black canvas sky. It was breath taking; absolutely beautiful. But I was definitely closer to more stunning things.
I mean Brett. Duh.
After about eight minutes, we pulled up in front of a house. And wow, was it nice. There were flowers everywhere and a swinging bench on the porch.
I looked over at Brett in disbelief and he blushed, getting out of the car. Following at his heels, we walked the concrete path and climbed the stairs before stepping inside. I figured he'd snap around and motion for me to be quiet but he didn't.
So his parents really didn't care he was out this late.
I handed Brett the bag, surveying his kitchen as he opened the fridge. Picture frames lined above the sink. A minimalistic amount of kitchen supplies sat on the counters. I looked back at Brett as he shut the fridge and walked over to me, grabbing me by the elbow.
Sending a quirked an eyebrow at him, he hastily let go, a blush creeping up over his face.
Shit. I just had to ruin everything, all the time.
We walked back to the car and I stood next to Brett by the drivers door. He frowned as I held my hand out.
"It's quicker if I drive," I say, leaning in so he could read my lips better. He retreated as I leaned in and dished out his keys, handing them over, albeit reluctantly.
I got into the car, knowing exactly where to go. I could find that diner from anywhere in this city in a heartbeat. It was like an extension of who I was.
But no one knew about me and the diner- until now. I peeked at Brett from the corner of my eye, my heart beating faster at the sight of him.
It didn't take long for us to arrive and soon we were sitting in a booth, facing each other. Thank god for twenty four hour diners.
I opened my bag and pulled out my journal, flipping to the page we had wrote on earlier.

how are you

I slid the journal over to Brett and pretended to read over the menu. I already knew what I wanted, having come here every weekend for six years. It was a second home- actually it felt more like my only home. My parents were always to enticed by money and their popularity so they never paid much attention to me. Or anything but themselves, really.

funny coming from you

He slid me back the notebook and looked down at his own menu. His eyes raking over the laminated page before turning it over to the other side.


He rolled his eyes but took the pencil anyways.

you don't exactly care about people White
easy for you to say Steadman. you don't know me
why am I here?
you agreed
okay smart ass. you know what I mean
I want to get to know you. thought we should actually hang out instead of moping in an office for once

I swear I saw the faintest bit of a smile play at his face.

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