I'll Surprise You, Don't Worry

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Jason's point of view

me: are you asking me out? (:
Xan: yeah I am
me: well jeez. here I was thinking when we have sex it'd just be as flirts not boyfriends

School had ended a month ago but every student got called in to help with the summer play if they wanted a couple extra credits. So practically everyone was jumping at the offer, while I was excited I'd get to see Brett. Sure we lived together and I got to see him as him, when no one else was around, but I soaked up every second of being with him as I could.

Xan: so? I'm dying for your answer here
me: Brett Michael Steadman, I'd love to be your boyfriend

I looked up from my phone and stared around the theater seats, trying to find Brett out of the mass of chattering teens. It didn't take me long though to locate the boy with the cute curly hair. His mouth was hanging open, eyes frantic and I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of it.
"You're more oblivious than you thought I was." I tease him and sit down in the red velvet seat next to him.
He just stares at me, still stunned as I set my backpack down. I turn to face him and stick my feet in his lap, like we had grown accustomed to over these past few weeks. A small routine that occurred in the music office now took place in our schools theater room in the summer.
"What're you talking about?" He signs, pretending to not know what I'm saying.
I roll my eyes at him and lean over to him, my hands slipping into his curly hair as I kissed him. Almost instantly I felt his lips moving against mine and I smiled.
"So much for not knowing what I'm talking about," I pull back, a grin over my face.
"How-" Brett signs and I laugh. He instantly smiles at the noise and God am I in love with him.
"Well you're terrible at covering your tracks." I say earning me a glare from him.
"Your favorite color is yellow and you always wear something yellow or pick something yellow, like the bowling ball from the alley.
"You said your favorite food was spring rolls and I've seen you at Chi's, you literally cry when you eat them, you know that right?" Brett flips me off and I laugh again.
"You also told me you're deaf and go to Crossley Frank High. You're the only deaf kid at our school.
"You've talked about how family isn't just blood. You've told me about Louis before.
"You've also said that you'd dress up as something that could be in a porn video on Halloween. You were a sexy ass doctor." I shot him a wink and he rolled his eyes at me.
"You've said you have smoked before and you literally always smoke at parties.
"I might also have stayed at the park when you picked up the spring rolls on Christmas..." I say and Brett starts to sign but I shut him up by talking again.
"You got me the same exact movie that we watched together on Halloween night for my Christmas present. And you got me the whole Fanboy And Chum Chum series which you know that I like it.
"'Xan', never messages me when we're together and you said you couldn't give me your number because your phone was messed up but you're always on it.
"I've seen you, several times, messaging me. I've seen your phone go off with a text from me when you leave your phone lying about.
"You're super sloppy but I actually knew for sure on Valentine's Day. All those parties together, we kept kissing because of those stupid games-"
Brett touches my knee causing me to shut up quickly.
"Stupid? That's what got us here." He signs, a lazy grin on his face.
"Yeah but it was hard to keep myself off of you," I say and shoot him a wink.
Brett adjusts his hearing aid, looking around at the pajamas clothed teens shouting at one another in the mass of velvet seats around us. He nods for me to continue, turning back to me.
"Anyways, Valentine's Day- when we were in the closet, kissing, I felt that exact same spark as when I did when we kissed all those times at the parties. I hadn't stopped thinking about kissing you since that first time at the party on Halloween. I had basically memorized what it felt like to kiss you. The spark, the way you tilt your head to the left first, then the right, the way your lips feel. Plus, you're the only guy I know that can be cocky around me and tell me I'm an asshole straight up."
"Oh, yeah." I say and lean closer to him. "You're the only guy I know that also smells like cinnamon."
Brett rolls his eyes at me.
"I thought I had it all planned out. I thought I covered everything." Brett signs, looking distraught.
"Maybe you did but I fell in love with you and I started picking up on every little detail." I shrug and tap his knee mindlessly.
"I'm an asshole," Brett says. "I only talked to you at first because I wanted to get back at you for the incident. But then my plan changed and I started talking to you because I wanted to be with you." He says honestly.
"It's okay. I deserved it." I say and squeeze at his knee gently. "I was a player and I was an asshole."
"Was?" Brett kids, signing to me in a joking tone.
"Haha. Very funny. I am sorry for how I've acted before though," I apologize and Brett nods, accepting.
"You totally ruined it all."
"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.
"Well I was going to do with big romantic gesture and reveal myself before we had sex but guess not now." Brett finishes signing and shrugs.
"We could still do the sex though," I wink at him suggestively.
"I'll surprise you, don't worry. Just be ready to be attacked whenever, wherever. Like prey and I'm the predator." He signs and shoots me back a wink.
Gotta love this boy, huh?

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