Chapter 2: Luke

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Luke ran throughout Manhattan, tears in his eyes. Why Percy? Why does it always have to be Percy?

He has been watching Percy ever since Gaea has opened the Doors of Death. He found his way out with the help of Kronos, who expected to continue to control Luke.

I remember that day like it was yesterday...


Luke walked through the Doors of Death. He woke in a coffin. He banged it, but it didn't budge. Backbiter was laying next to him. He suddenly stabbed a hole in the top and found that there were surprisingly no soil coming through. He burst through the top and jumped out, gulping in the crispy night air. He glanced at the coffin and found that it was dug out for some reason. He took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of the world. He grabbed some soil and felt it trickle between his fingers and back to the Earth.

"I'm... alive...".

Luke laughed, as he patted himself down. "I'M ALIVE!!!"

Luke ran to a pond and checked his reflection, "Look at me! I'm alive! I'm free!"

He got up and twirled, he was laughing and happy. Then he stopped as he thought out loud, "I wonder how Annabeth is doing? And Thalia? Oh! And don't forget Percy! Gosh, I need to apologize for-".

Suddenly, a searing pain ripped through Luke's body causing him to scream in pain.

"Do you think that you can escape my grasp Luke Castellan?" Kronos said, laughing wickedly.

Luke grabbed his head and screamed, "NO! Get out! Get out of me!!!"

Luke slapped himself and started clawing at his arms. His blood started to seep into the ground as he screamed with fury.

"Self inflicted pain will not stop me!"

Luke started to think of everything that would keep him going. Annabeth and Thalia when they were younger, trying to survive hoards of monsters. Thalia sacrificing herself so he and Annabeth can live. Being the leader of the Hermes cabin, helping the Stolls sometimes pull pranks on Annabeth and hanging out with his friends, his family. He remembered meeting Percy, how he was a broken soul who had just lost his mother. He hated the gods as much as Luke. He felt a connection, he loved Percy like a brother when he first arrived. He wanted to help him through what he was going through...

After all, he practically lost his mother too.

Suddenly, he started feeling Kronos less and less until he was just a voice in his head.

"They will not accept you Luke! Not while I'm still in you!"

"Then I'll get rid of you!" Luke yelled.

Kronos only laughed, "you cannot get rid of me Luke! You will be an outcast, forever!"

"Then I will only help when I'm needed", Luke mumbled as he ran away.

End of Flashback...

After that night, he had watched everything at a distance. He watched ad Hera/Juno wiped Percy and a blond haired son of Jupiter's memories and switch them so Percy was at a Roman camp called Camp Jupiter while the other boy obviously went to Camp Half-Blood. He watched as Percy traveled to Alaska to defeat Alcyoneus. And when they traveled to the ancient lands. He saw when Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus and reappeared later to help defeate the giants. He watched as Percy rose Gaea with a nosebleed and how the Son of Hephaestus, who he believes is named Leo, sacrificed himself to save everyone.

Poor Percy, he fought two wars and now he has a psychotic titan trying to take control of his body... and its all my fault.

Tears started streaming down his face as he stopped on a main street. People were walking, cars were honking, lightning was striking, hone sweet home.

Luke jumped into a crowd of people and glanced around suddenly, a man in a suit with a briefcase in his left and a phone held up to his ear passed by in a hurry. Luke's eyes darted to his back pocket and smiled as he saw a bulge of a wallet. Bingo!

He picked up his pace until he was inches behind the man. He waited for a crowd of people to envelope them before picking the man's pocket with skills that only a child of Hermes can. He stealthily placed the wallet in his pocket before receding into the shadows of an ally. He tore through the wallet and smiled. There a thousand dollars in his pocket, cash!

Who is dumb enough to carry ten one hundred dollar bills in their wallet?

Luke grabbed and pocketed only five of them before rushing into the nearest store.

He grabbed and bought a hoodie and left the store. He then went to a different store and handed the wallet to the shopkeeper. "I found this wallet outside on the ground. Whoever it belongs to is lucky I found it rather than someone else", Luke said as he handed the wallet to the man.

"Thats very kind of you! We'll find out who it blongs to and return it as soon as possible", the shopkeeper said as he disappeared into the back of the store.

Luke didn't wait any longer. He left and hailed a taxi.

"Where do you want to go young man?"

"Long Island Sound, I'll tell you when to stop".

"Whatever you say boss", the taxi driver muttered as he started to drive.


"Here!" Luke exclaimed as the taxi driver stopped. Luke placed a hundred dollar bill in his hand and jumped out of the taxi.

"Wait sir! Your cha-".

Luke slammed the door and bolted to the tree on the hill. He heard a scream and turned to his right to see two young demigods and a saytr running from a Cyclops. He was young due to him only being about seven and a half inches tall. Luke immediately changed his coarse and bolted at the Cyclops. He unsheathed Backbiter and slashed the monster in half, causing it to explode into dust.

"Come on!" Luke yelled as he waved them to follow. The demigods and satyr didn't wait and bolted with him.

Almost... there...

Soon they were past Thalia's tree and into the borders of camp.

"Thank you", the satyr said as he tried to glance under Luke's hood.

"Your welcome, I need to speak to Chiron".

Before the satyr could say anything else, Luke bolted to the Big House. He knocked on the door furiously. A centaur with the top half of a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard and a white stallion bottom half opened the door.

"And who might you be?" He asked in his typical, calm voice.

"Chiron it's me", lightning flashed, illuminating Luke's face as he looked up at Chiron. The centaur's eyes widened as he already recognized the voice and the face before be said, "it's Luke".

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