Chapter 13: Aiónios

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Aiónios yawned loudly as he stopped in a spot far from civilization. He closed his eyes and thought of his room in Alaska. He created quite a cozy place in a cave. While Kronos was still actively complaining about their life, he made sure that Percy made it at least a slightly more comfortable for, "when he takes control", though it was more of a joke then than it was when he first possessed Percy.

He had to admit, he missed his evil grandfather at times.

He then sighed and stretch out on the ground, placing his hands behind his head as he stared at the stars above. He wondered what happened to gods or titans when they fade.

Was it like when a human dies? Is there an Elysium? A Feilds of Punishment? Or do they just... die? Souls and everything?

Aiónios sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was tired, but he thought that gods or titans didn't need to sleep.

Or... maybe it's because I'm not exactly a titan...

He yawned again, thinking about his destroyed stuff. When coming back from Alaska, Aiónios was attacked a pack of hellhounds. He didn't want to always depend on using Kronos'/his powers all the time so he decided to actually fight...

That resulted in barley a scratch on him, but while he was destracted with two in front, a third came around and pounced onto his back. Luckily, his backpack was there, but that also means that the dam dog destroyed his sleeping bag and left over supplies.

The only thing not completely shredded was his Visa card that he had all the money from the kind mortals in now.

His eyes felt heavier and heavier until he couldn't fight his fatigue any longer.


Aiónios 'woke' within the throne room of the familiar under sea palace that he has visited only once in person. He raised his eyebrow under his mask that was on his dream self.

I've haven't had demigod dreams when I became a titan, so why now?

When he turned his attention to the throne, he saw a scene that would almost make him laugh.

Poseidon was leaning forward on his throne with a puzzled look on his face. He look constipated, was it due to fustration? Aiónios didn't know. But he looked hilarious, but he wouldn't say it out loud.

Aiónios bowed with respect, he would have normally not have done that, he would have said something like, 'sup pops! How are the tides? Or something like that.

"Greetings Lord Poseidon, and by what honor do I be summoned, graced by your presence", Aiónios says in his deep voice.

"I... I'm sorry, who are you?" Poseidon asked, as his face slightly relaxed so it didn't look like he needed to release a loader.

"I am Aiónios ", was all he said as he crossed his arms definitely and stared at Poseidon.

"So, why was I summoned?"

Poseidon sighed, "you felt so much like him. I thought I finally found my son".

Aiónios nearly winced at how Poseidon's voice cracked when he said son. The Percy part of him wanted to immediately take off his mask and say, 'tada! Here I am!'

But he knew that he probably shouldn't. Even though he hated seeing his father like this, he knew it best to keep his identity a secret. So instead, Aiónios took on a gentler version of his deep voice as he says, "it's going to be okay Lord Poseidon, he'll probably show up eventually. Don't give up hope for he is alive, just far from the gods' reach. One day, he'll reveal himself".

Aiónios; The Lord of Time 🔧Where stories live. Discover now