Chapter 8: Percy

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"Kronos? Why have you been the one who sounds so exhausted? For the last few months?" Percy asked sarcastically as the Titan Lord of Time's conscience sluggishly surfaced.

"Just because YOU are the one doing all the work doesn't mean that some of it doesn't seep into me", Kronos replied, though Percy could tell that it wasn't the full truth.

But he didn't say anything about it however, he just let it slide.

"I've been... having strange dreams lately", Percy said awkwardly.

He could practically feel  Kronos' eyebrow rais as he replied, "aren't they always?"

Percy physically shook his head as he
Responds, "no, because they all have been... memories I think... your memories".

"If you think that I'm doing-".

"No, thats not what I'm getting at. But I was wondering if you knew what was going on?"

Kronos thought for a little bit yhen said, "I think... no, no I don't know what is going on".

Percy frowned. He suspected that Kronos is hiding something but what? Was it something he was afraid of?

Percy didn't know.

But he just shrugged it off, like he always does when Kronos makes no sense.

A few more months later near the end of winter...

"Percy?" Kronos' voice asked in a strange, vulnerable voice

Percy frowned as he was sharpening a stick, "yah, what's up?"

"My son".

Percy choked on his own saliva.

"Kronos? Did you make... a joke?" Percy asked with shock.

"I guess some of your annoying mortal quips have rubbed off on me", Kronos said with a chuckle.

"So, what did you need?"

"I was wondering... do you want to learn how to control time?"

Percy paused in mid stroke, breaking the stick he was sharpening in half.

"Why?" Percy asked uncertainly.

He could practically see Kronos roll his eyes despite him only being in his conscience. "I'm offering you something that I haven't even offered Luke!-".

Percy winced at the sound of Kronos saying Luke's name.

"- it's an honor, even if you were once my enemy. We are.... acquaintances now".

"Fair enough", Percy said getting up. He stretched as he walked into the snowy landscape outside.

"Since your new to this, I'll help you by also walking through hand motions. Eventually, you'll be able to just make time slow, stop, forward, or reverse at will. But for now, you'll need to do the hand motions".

Percy nodded, to show that he understands.

"Flick your hand out like you are telling someone to stop" .

Percy does as Kronos says and Percy could visualize him nodding with approval, "good, now, do it again, this time imagine the world halting instead of a single person. Feel the power as time stops for you".

Percy flicks his hand out again and does as Kronos had said. Suddenly, a golden pulse of energy shot in all directions and the snowflakes stopped in mid air. Percy felt drained.

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