Chapter 21: Aiónios

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Temporary Desmond third person...

Desmond Fisher collapsed of pure exhaustion after he blanked out with rage. He gasped and muttered some curses at the new fatigue within his muscles amd thought lethargicly, this feels worse that a hundred suicides... he slowly got up and looked at the assembled demigod with a curiosity etched all over his face. Why are they staring at me like I ate twenty chimichangas in one gulp? He thought as he gazed at their wide eyes for a few confused seconds. Then, everyone bowed and Chiron said, "Hail Desmond Fisher, son of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. And brother... of Perseus Jackson...", the centaur said the last part with a mournful tone which caused many demigods to bow their heads lower in sorrow. Desmond's confusion then started to show as he thought, how do they know? Is this a joke?

He was so absorbed in thought that he didn't notice when the time stopped around him until he looked straight at the demigods who started running his way paused in time. Then he tried to move and realized he couldn't. Panic started to rise within him until a warm hand touched his back a familiar figure came next to him. A familiar deep voice mumbled, "when time resumes... look up", then vanished just as time resumed once more. He followed Aiónios' advice and looked up and saw the remnants of a fading green tridant. So my father really is....

"lets... get you to your new cabin", Luke muttered as he steered Desmond away from the depressed crowd of demigods. The son of Poseidon glanced at the forest as his mind filled with questions before following Luke towards the cabins.

Back to original:

Aiónios watched his brother and his friend disappear from view and gave a small smile. I'm glad Luke has a friend who doesn't see him as the hist of Kronos..., his smile though slowly fades as another thought crossed his mind. He will always be compared to me. He will always hear stories about Perseus Achilles Jackson and his victories against Kronos and Gaea, and who was now unfortunately claimed by his enemy. Tragic like many and almost all grand heroes' tales. I pitty him for this... Percy sighed and pushed himself off the tree he was hiding behind and journied deeper into the woods. He felt every eye of every nature spirit and animal on him as he slowly glided across the forest floor.

Then suddenly, he felt the hair stand in the back of his neck as his hand crept slowly to his watch. He heard the slight twinge of bow releasing an arrow and quickly activated his scythe and swung it, slashing the silver arrow in half. He was able to catch a glimpse of a poisoned tip, laced with a sleeping agent made by Hypnos himself and he knew that it was serious. "Oh lady Artemis, why not speak to me face to face than shoot me like I'm a monster? Unless you think me incapable of human speech?"

He then heard a wish of air coming from another direction. He slashed his scythe again, expecting another silver arrow. Instead, he found a golden one cut in half. He smiled to himself as he just couldn't hold back the fact that Artemis and Apollo where hunting together and thaf was so adorable to him. "Awww! Brother and sister hunting together? How adorable!"

A blur of silver and gold shot at him with rage filled silver and blue eyes as he fended off two angery twin gods. "WE ARE NOT ADORABLE!" Artemis screamed in her auburn haired, twelve year old form which was very contradictory of her statements. "YAH! WE ARE NOT ADORABLE! I KNOW ARTY MIGHT LOOK ADORABLE SINCE SHE ALWAYS LOOKS LIKE A CHILD BUT I AM NOT! I'M SO HOT I'M COOL!!!" Apollo yelled as he continued to attack. Aiónios parried Artemis' silver dagger and disarmed Apollo's golden on from his hand. He then kicked Artemis so she fell on her rump and swept his leg under Apollo's to trip the golden god.

"I am not your enemy", the Lord of Time said in his deep voice, his eyes flashing with sincerity. Both gods summoned swords in their hands, a weapon Aiónios knew full and well that the gods where decent with despite being patrons to archery, and charged at him. A gold and sea green aura formed around him and pulsed outwards knocking the gods back down on their rumps. A shocked Aiónios stared bewildered at the gods, and didn't notice that another, black haired archer with a silver tiara shot another arrow laced with sleep poison at him until he felt a sharp pain in one of his weak spots and drowsiness came to greet him.

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