Chapter 6: Percy

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Percy was running for what felt like a few days, but was really only hours thanks to Kronos slowing time. They had just crossed the Canadian border and they continued to push forward, deep into Canada.

A few days later...

They have met many kind mortals on the way. Percy had noticed that Kronos was speaking less and trying less to control Percy's body, but he didn't know if he was just conserving his strength for one mega takeover or if he was as tired as Percy. They had crossed halfway through Canada before he collapsed due to pure exhaustion.

"If you allowed me control-"

"Oh! Not this crap again!"

Percy tried to rise but only fell back again due to being exhausted.

"Michael, did you here that?" A woman's voice called.

"Ugh! More Mortals!"

"I'm with you there..., with you in my head, I'll be sent to the closest Asylum", Percy said sarcastically.

"Joke all you want now, for you wont be joking once I am in control-".

Suddenly, a woman with long, blonde hair and sparkling green eyes came out of the woods and looked down at Percy. She covered her mouth and knelt down over him as she touched his face.

"Oh my God! You look seriously ill.


A man with black hair and brown eyes appeared a few minutes later and shrugged at the woman, "what's the matter babe?" He asked then paled as he saw Percy.

"Oh God, what happened?"

Percy gave a weak smile and lied, "a bear attacked my camp and I've been running for days. I got lost. I don't know what happened to everyone else".

"Was that the most creative lie you could come up with?" Kronos asked annoyed. Percy ignored him as he stared into the woman's sparkling eyes, just like mother's...

The woman glanced up to Michael who seemed concerned. "How long has it been since you last ate?" He asked, crouching next to the woman.

"I did say I've been lost for days", Percy said sarcastically which caused the woman to laugh.

"Come on Michael, lets bring him back to camp", she said with a smile. Michael smiled as he kissed her on the forehead, "whatever you say Vanessa".

Michael slung Percy's right arm over his shoulder and wrapped his left arm under Percy's waist. "You have to help me", he mumbled to Percy who nodded. With Michael's help, Percy stood and they walked back to a campsite.

Hours later, Percy had his third hotdog in his hands and he, Vanessa, and Michael were laughing hysterically at a jole Percy made about a Satyr walking across the rode.

"So...", Michael started then asked, "how did a bear attack your camp again?"

"Well, we are in the woods, a bear smelled food, and it came. We screamed, we ran, the bear ran after us. I mean, unless a wood nymph got angery at us and made a bear come after us".

They laughed again. When they fell silent, Percy realized that Kronos hasn't said a single word since they came into the camp. Percy spoke with Vanessa and Michael and found out that she was an Ebay mom while Michael worked in the Canadian advertising companies. They had three children who they named Charles, Bianca, and the youngest Zeus.

"Why Zeus?" Percy had asked chuckling, "I like the name Poseidon way better. And besides, Zeus is a drama queen, much like his father Kronos- ouch".

Percy heard a small, surprisingly light laugh in his head as his headache died down. He wondered if it was just him, or was Kronos actually... enjoying himself with these mortals?

"We chose Zeus, because his lungs were so loud, it was like thunder", Vanessa said with a slight giggle.

Percy smiled, he liked seeing two mortals enjoying life. At least they weren't burdened with death every day due to something that they cannot control.

"You speak as if you personally know the Greek gods. Do you research them?" Asked Michael curiously. Percy shrugged as he replied, "in a way".

"Awesome! Are you aspiring to be an archeologist who specializes in Greek mythology?" Vanessa asked.

Percy had to refrain from wincing at the word, 'mythology'. One thing he knew was that everyone in the supposed 'mythology' hate being called a myth. "No, I just need to know about them to survive".

They laugh though Percy just smiles.

After a few minutes, they bid Percy good night and offered him their sleeping bag, "we prefer the truck anyways", Vanessa had said with a smile.

"Nah, I'm fine, thank you though. I might be able to find my way out of here anyways", Percy had said with a shrug, then he walked into the forest.

"Have you ever seen someone with golden eyes like that before Vanessa?" Percy heard Michael say cautiously.

"Hush! He might still hear you!" Vanessa's voice scolded as they heard a smack and Michael's voice say, "owe".

Once they were alone again, Percy asked in a whisper, "am I lucky enough that you are gone?"

"Hmm? Oh, no demigod, I'm- I'm still here".

Percy realized that there was something different about the Titan's demeanor. Just a few hours ago he was bent on destroying the gods and taking control of Percy's body and now... he was... destracted. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "is everything okay in there? Did the 'little puny mortals' upset you because they called you a myth?"

"No, it's all right".

Percy frowned. This is wierd, he thought as they continued to trek through the forest.

A few days later the had made it to Alaska. Kronos had been silent for the whole trip. Percy wondered if he was still possessed and would check his reflection only to see that he still had golden eyes. They have encountered more and more mortals as they traveled, all friendly thankfully. They usually offered them a place to stay, some food, and supplies for their trip.

"Well... we're here!" Percy said. He felt a stirring in his head which caused him to exclaim, "He's alive!"

"Shut up! So... this is Alaska, the land beyond the gods?"

"Yep", Percy said as he continued to wonder.

"It looks no different then Canada", Kronos pointed out. Percy just glared at the ground and said, "well, we literally just crossed the border see?"

He pointed at a sign that said, 'welcome to Alaska'.


Percy just shrugged as he continued deeper in Alaska. Unknown to him, Kronos had made a choice. A choice that no one would have ever expected. But due to him being within Percy, someone who has seen the gods good despite the bad. Someone who values honor, loyalty, love and humor above anything else, and seeing the kindness of the mortals thay had come across, he has seen how stupid his ambition truly was.

He just doesn't know, if he is ready to accept everything he has seen yet.

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