Chapter 22: Desmond 🔧

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This chapter might be slightly offensive since, it's like, WWII? And so please don't be too offended when I use ther terms 'Japs' or the likes because I'm just being true to the times. Also, cussing ahead. You can thank Sgt. Davison for that lol.

The sounds of explosions echoed around the battle field. Desmond Fisher ran from cover to cover, hiding from the Japanese's line of sight. "Desmond?" a terrified voice called from his right. Cpl. Fisher turned to see a boy with curly brown hair, pointed ears and an impish face. He usually always smiled, his blue eyes gleaming with mischief and had the face of the perfect trouble maker. But now, both of those where gone, red tinted the whites of his blue eyes as tears of fear streamed down his face. It was just the two of them, the rest of their men died.

"Desmond! I... I'm scared!" The boy said, more tears streaming down his face. He was the same age as Desmond, but he was a few ranks lower than him due to his immaturity. "I wanna see my mom again!" Desmond reached over and clasped the boy by the shoulder. "Hey! Hey! Sammy! It's alright!" He said, his voice trying to stay as calm as he can keep it, "you'll be alright! We have to stick together! We just... we just have to to make it to the beach, back to our ships! You'll see your mother again!"

Sammy whimpered but nodded, clutching his rifle like a teddy bear and rocking back and forth. "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!" He whimpered. Desmond hated seeing his friend, who was usually care free, crying for his mother.

"Pull yourself together son!" Desmond yelled, mimicking the voice of their least favorite drill instructor, Sgt. Davison's voice, "out in the war zones, kids who cry for their mommies like little pussies become Jap munchies! Don't be a Jap munchy!" 'Jap Munchy' was Davison's favorite insult to throw around, along with 'pussy' and 'fuck daddy.' All the men in the barracks would mimic Sgt. Davison at night for a laugh, before said man came barging in and yelling, "all yah little Fuck Daddies gonna run an extra mile tomorrow! Let's see how funny you all think you are then! I'm looking at you! Fuck Daddy Supreme!" Fuck Daddy Supreme was Davison's nickname for Sammy. Desmond's was Monkey Boy, a name he received when he scaled the climbing wall in record time.

He was proud to be monkey boy, for it was a complement.

Sammy McNeil laughed at Desmond's impersonation, a small bit of confidence returning to the boy. "We will get through this Sammy, I promise. We'll get out of this God forsaken island and return to New York! You hear me?" Sammy nodded, "okay."

"On my count of three, we will bolt towards the shoreline. Ready?"

Sammy nodded again.

"One..." they started to hear the voices of the Japanese soldiers getting closer.

"Two..." one of the Japanese soldiers hushed the others, everything was dead silent.

"THREE!" Desmond yelled as they jumped from their cover and darted. Bullets flew all around them and they had to zigzag their way to the beach. Desmond turned with his gun and started shooting blind. He heard a few satisfying yelps in pain. But then, he felt a blinding, flash of pain hit his shoulder causing him to cry out in pain. "Desmond!" Sammy yelled, trying to get to him.

"I'm Fine!" Desmond yelled still running. They made good progress, running as fast as they could, avoiding mines, and loosing their Japanese pursuers. Desmond knew they where close to the sea, he could feel it in a strange way, like a homing system implanted in his brain. Then, he could see the water, they where almost there!

Then suddenly, he heard a noise.


Desmond stopped and turned, Sammy was perfectly still, his foot staying in place. He could slightly make out the shape of a Japanese mine under the foot that stayed in place. "Woah! Sammy, stay there, don't move-"

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