Chapter 18: Aiónios

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1st person Pov:

"Do you think we are in for another war?"

Why did those words he said triggered the vision? I have no idea. With Rachel, you simply say, "hey? Can I have a prophecy?" And she will just let one out. I didn't even think that Kronos could see into the future because, well, then he would have known that he would lose. But then again, he did know about ALOT of stuff....

Gods, I wish I could ask him! Why did you have to fade and leave me your stupid powers?

Anyways, after Luke asked that question, I felt a searing pain in my head and I was suddenly transported into a war zone.

It was a lot like when we fought Kronos, except the battle field enemies where those creatures the really wounded me (wonderful) and sci-fi looking aliens. Gods, titans, and giants all fought against these monsters which seemed unfazed by the gods and Titan's true forms. Most the gods where fighting an enemy I couldn't see too clearly far away. To my right, I saw Hades on the floor unconscious with Nico defending him. Farther down, near the Empire State Building, I saw my dad and Zeus fighting to protect the entrance to Olympus to my right. Demigods, Greek and Roman, where all over the place. Familiar faces surrounded me fighting, killing, and hopefully not dying. They where obviously avoiding to look at the gods and titans as they battled. 

Then, I saw myself, but something was really off. Unlike the rest of the gods and goddesses who where in their true forms (Meaning huge, glowy, and looking like the sun in the form of giant humans (except Apollo who looked like two suns)), I simply had a goldish-green aura about me. Every time I would get cut, I healed instantly and I was obviously stronger and faster than I am now or even before. What was crazy though was that I had on my same armor, but there where black wings sprouting from my back as I rushed into the firey battle with my scythe in hand. I (not future me), then turned to my left and saw the man I saved (who I think is my brother) fighting with Riptide. Turning back to future me, I saw myself charge at the unseen figure in the distance where all the gods where. Just as I was about to see what, or who, our primary enemy was, the the vision darkened and I saw no more.

 Just as I was about to see what, or who, our primary enemy was, the the vision darkened and I saw no more

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A rough sketch I made to show how he looked in his vision.

As I explained everything to Luke, he paused and furrowed his brow. His eyes became glassy and distant as he thought deeply and pondered the situation before him. I remained perfectly still, something I learned begrudgingly after Kronos' bantering and complaining. Finally, Luke shrugged and said, "this is strange. I've always wondered if Kronos could actually see the future and what you just said makes tons of sense. Time also means past, present, and future. It shouldn't sirprise me, yet it does...".

We both wen't silent again. I thought back to my self in the future. When all the other gods where big and glowy, I was just... colorful for a lack of better words. Why was that? Do I not have a true form? Can I even consider myself one of the immortals? Would I ever be bound by ancient laws? "Maybe... it sounds like another war is coming, and fast. We need to prepare but... no one can know who I am. Not yet at least, I don't think that this war would be too soon. Maybe a few months hopefully, a year-".

"Percy... your pacing".

I stopped and realized that I was, indeed, pacing. My brain was running five million miles per second. I wonder how Rachel handles it, having visions and not making sense of when they will happen and not being to help anyanyone due to you not even knowing what it means yourself. Sighing, I flopped back down to the floor and glared at my ankles. Luke cautiously crouched next to me and cocked his head trying to get a better view of my face. I don't know how it looked, but I'll assume that it was confused, sad, or perhaps both, because Luke placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile and said in a reassuring voice, "it's alright Percy, we'll figure out what's going on. And I promise bot to tell camp-".

"Not even Annabeth, Luke, not even Annabeth. You can, however, say you met Aiónios, and he said that Percy is still alive. Hopefully that would finally place a smile upon her face...", I gazed off into the forest as my mind wen't to Annabeth's longing face. How she gazed off into the sea as if it had answers for her. I heard a piece of paper and turned to Luke as he held up a letter written in ancient Greek and smiled as I recognized it immediately. "Kinda creepy you kept a note from so long ago", I joked. Luke just shrugged as he said with a small smile, "well, it was my only evidence that you were possibly still alive. I guess I was right". I grabbed a stick and started drawing the creature I fought as I said, "perhaps it is time you went back to camp". When I finnished, I donned my mask and hood once more, got up, wiped out my drawing with my foot, and snapped my fingers resuming time.

"Well, good bye... Aiónios ", Luke said winking as he waved, turned towards the direction of camp, and made his way back. I watched him go and glanced down at the name I erased off the dirt floor. I glanced around the semi-quite forest, my eyes searching for any signs of movements in the trees. All that greeted me was the silent rustle of the leaves blowing in the wind and the night time insects playing their night time symphony. When realizing the coast was clear, I turned the opposite way of where Luke treked, and went on a search for a new adventure.

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