Rise From the Ashes

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Might get a chapter out tomorrow, but after, I'll be gone for the week. Date is 6/23/18

     Mountain Glenn was supposed to be an extension of Vale. It was the kingdom's first serious expansion attempt, but unfortunately, it, like most other settlements away from the kingdoms, was destroyed. The most common knowledge is that because of the lacking natural barriers, the settlement was continuously attacked by Grimm. They were attacked again and again until eventually, they were overwhelmed. 

     There was, however, a secondary reason for the amount of Grimm. On rare occasions, some animals, such as rats, were seen to posses the conduit gene. Merlot Industries knew this, and they wanted to see how far the gene could go. They couldn't experiment on live humans, for as long as they souls, they would have auras, but Grimm didn't have souls. The conduit gene actually stopped the development of an aura, though it was still undetermined as to how. This was one of the many things that led to discrimination against conduits. People assumed their inability to produce an aura meant they had no soul. 

     Merlot industries wanted to see if the conduit gene could be implanted in Grimm. For this reason, they commonly attracted them for their tests. It is not yet known if their tests were successful. There was a young boy who lived on Mountain Glenn who went by the name of (Y/N) (L/N), who, at the time of the fall, was nine years old. 

     (Y/N) (L/N) was a young and somewhat rebellious boy who lived with his family along with the thousands of other occupants of Mountain Glenn. He was walking through the streets to a nearby playground he went to commonly. His parents trusted him stay out of trouble along the way, and because of the city's recent development, crime was low. The only other internal threat, the bio-terrorists as the news called them, was being dealt with by the DUP forces that were sent to the settlement with everyone else. (Y/N) always thought that they were really cool, the men that could control stone and concrete at will. 

     After crossing a street, you caught eye of a trio of teenagers spraying something on the side of a building. Each of them held a canister of sorts, and what they sprayed was a multi colored liquid onto the surface of the building. You had earlier learned they were using spray paint, as they called it. Seeing a break in the car line, you rushed across the street. The pictures they sprayed on the walls looked interesting. They could be of fires or men, or sometimes two circles with a long thin oval coming out from between them. When you had asked your father what it meant, he told you not to ask. 

     Now across the street, you walked up the boys who continued to spray things. They payed no mind to you as you approached them. When one turned away to pick up another can, you hesitantly went and picked it up. Not sure how to use it, you remembered seeing them shake it up, so you did as well. The nearest one was rummaging through a bag at the moment, but the other two were doing something with their cans. It looked like they were pressing something down on the top. Looking down, you saw a little white knob. With a shrug, you pointed it at the wall and pressed down on the top. As you did, a jet of blue paint sprayed from the can onto the wall in front of you. Never having done something like this before, the sudden emergence of color made you jump and release the button. After a second to recompose yourself, you sprayed at the wall. After moving the can around a bit, you tried to paint different shapes. 

     After a minuet, the shape began to look something like a bird. That was, until the canister was wrenched from your small hands. "Hey! What do you think you're doing, kid?" A snarky voice called from your right. You turn to see some ginger haired kid looking at you with disgust. You being nine at the time sort of disabled your ability to have any kind of comeback. 

"Uh- well I was just-"

"Just what huh? Think you can touch my paint?"

"I- uh- no." You said nervously. 

Paint and Flame (RWBY X Male Conduit Reader)Where stories live. Discover now