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As I heard their song on the bus radio, I pulled out my phone to call my best friend. I heard the phone ring two times before she picked up.

"Amy, your boyfriend's song is on the radio", I said in excitement. "Really? Suga and his group are on the radio!" she yelled into the phone. "Calm down, my eardrums are bursting", I said. "Sorry! Hey, he just texted me and asked if I wanted to meet up with him today", she said. "Say Yes!" I responded. "Of course! I'll talk to you later!" she replied. "Bye", I hung up and looked out of the window of the small bus I was in. "Next stop..... Daegu", the bus driver said. I grabbed my suitcase and stepped off of the bus into the beautiful air when the bus stopped. I looked up at the World 83 Tower and spotted an open bench nearby. I ran to it and sat down to enjoy the view. The blossoms of people that roamed the city were amazing. Couples, families, friends, and even loners. I took out my phone and untangled my tennis ball charm from my pink headphones. I looked at my contact list and searched for her contact. "Unnie!" I yelled into the phone and was greeted by a friendly scream. "Yah Song Crystal! I told you to stop doing that!" she responded. I giggled. "Sorry Unnie", I said. "Sure you are. Anyway where are you?" she asked. "North side of World 83 Tower", I replied after looking around. "Oh! I see you!" she said. I looked around again and saw her waving at me from a couple yards away. Her brown hair wavered in the wind as her long skirt did the same. She still looked as beautiful as ever, even if she is 36 years old. She ran over and I saw that even though she dressed classy, she still wore her Red Converse. "I missed you dongsaeng!" she engulfed me into a hug. "I. Can't. Breathe." I managed to get out. She released me from the hug and still gripped my arms tight. "It's been so long!" she said. "And yet you still look young as ever", I said. "Don't flatter me too much dongsaeng. You are a beautiful 20 year old lady", she said. I looked down at my jeans, green crop top, black leather jacket, and black Converses. Then I pointed to myself. "Me? As if. I'm not even that pretty", I huffed. "Aw dongsaeng. Once a guy tells you, you are then you'll understand", she said. "Anyway! Let's get to my car! Eomma and Appa are waiting for us at home!" she said happily. My smile faded as I heard that. Eomma and Appa, a joke. Why? Because they aren't even my real parents. I'm an orphan, they are my adoptive parents. And I just so happen to be Song Hye-Kyo's younger sister. Yes Song Hye-Kyo, the famous actress. Lucky me, but she's really nice unlike Eomma and Appa. Once at our home, I dragged my luggage inside and saw Eomma and Appa on the couch. "Crystal! You're home!" they said happily. Fake. Fake. Fake love. Always so fake in front of Hye-Kyo. "Annyeonghaseyo Eomma and Appa. I have finally returned", I bowed to them. "Ah, Crystal! Want to hang out with me tomorrow?" Hye-Kyo asked. "Sure Unnie just let me get some rest today. The flight from Seoul was exhausting", I responded. "Okay dongsaeng!" she patted my head and headed upstairs to our room. "Don't stay here too long, I don't want people to actually know that you're our daughter", Eomma said in a low tone. See....fake. "Yes ma'am", I replied. But I still respect them for the family's sake. I dragged my suitcase to our room. Hye-Kyo's bed was on the left and mine was on the right. Her bed was red and pink, while mine is green and blue. Conflicting colors, but we get along just fine.

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