Decisions, Decisions

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I woke up in the hospital with Tae on my left and Amy on my right. I saw the rest of Dream, BTS, and Got7 walk in with wide eyes as they saw me awake. I nudged Amy and she lifted her head up. She jumped up and yanked me to hug her, making Tae fall and bump his head on the bed frame. "Can't....breathe", I said. Tae groaned and pulled Amy's arms off me as he engulfed me in a light hug. "Whoa.... Boyfriend much?" Jungkook glumly said. I realized that Tae and I weren't official and shrugged him off. Sadly, this boy didn't want to let go and refused to let go of me. "Well no duh Jungkook", Tae retorted catching the attention of Jungkook, Jinyoung, Yugyeom, and Jackson. "So when do I get discharged?" I said and they just looked at me. "Um, no", Amy said. "You will stay here and get better and recover before we even think about the tour again", she said. "I doubt our managers would be like that", I scoffed. Hyunsoo, Jai-Wei, and I'm Seunghoon suddenly appeared at the door. "She's right", Jai-Wei said. RM AND JB looked at their managers who agreed with ours. "Wait Hyunsoo hyung. Crystal is hurt. She can't go on tour", RM said. "She can barely dance", JB added. "And if she is out for the tour, Dream is out and if we're out then the others are too", Amy said. "Calm down", Jai-Wei said to Amy who was boiling. "Listen, we go to China in two days, since Seoul's concerts are done. Crystal will just be in a chair on stage and sing while the rest do the choreo. This can mean more exposure and fame", Hyunsoo said. "Hyung", Jungkook had his mouth hanging open. "That's outrageous!" Amy yelled. "Amy..." Suga held her back. "Unless you're on my side, let me go", she said to him. His eyebrows furrowed. "Crystal, listen to us", Seunghoon said, "Just think about it." "Okay", I sat up. Everyone turned towards me. "I'll do the tour, but I'll have to take it really easy", I said. Everyone had wide eyes as I met the manager's eyes. "Now get out", I sternly said. "Thank you Crystal", Jai-Wei said. I stared him in the eyes and slowly pulled out my pillow and threw it at him. He fell outside the door with a thud. "Next time it's a rock", I said. He scrambled to his feet and walked off briskly."Sorry", I said as Tae retrieved the pillow for me. I fluffed the pillow and put it behind me so I could easily sit back. "Get the nurse, I'm getting discharged now", I said. Everyone looked up at Bella who had gone to fetch a nurse. "Go home kids", I sighed. "Kids?!?" Jin exclaimed. "You do act like kids, with all that hope", I said. "RM, JB.....and Amy. Take everyone home please", I asked. "But aren't you getting discharged now?" RM asked. "I'll take a cab home later", I replied. The boys tried to argue but the leaders pushed them out despite their own thoughts. "Amy..." I saw her looking at me in disbelief. "Bella, take Rose and Jia and head on home. Amy will take the cab with me", I told them and they nodded and left. "Why did you do that", she asked as she sat beside me and sighed. "To save our butts. You know we only debuted two years ago, Jai-Wei could easily disband us", I replied. She sighed in defeat. We knew Jai-Wei was close to us, but we couldn't fully trust him yet. "You're right, but at your own health risk", she had spun around to hold my hands. "I'm fine", I said. She gave me a questionable look. "It's only my leg; I'll sit on a chair. No big deal", I said and she gripped my hands and smiled.

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