Jackson & Jinyoung

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 He placed his hands on both sides of me to the nightstand, so he wouldn't fall. Our faces were almost touching. "J-Jinyoung", I stuttered. "Crystal...the story-", he got cut off by a loud bang on the door. I pushed past him quickly and he fell right on top of me. "Jackson?" I asked. "Crystal, you have a pretty body", he said. I realized my t-shirt had risen when he fell on me and a blush crept onto my face. "J-Jinyoung!" I shouted a little. Jinyoung rushed over and picked up Jackson as I straightened my shirt. "I'm going to bed", Jackson said as he pushed Jinyoung away and stumbled to the bed. "He's drunk!" I said. "RM usually brings him back, but maybe Jackson ran away", Jinyoung said as he scratched his head. I looked back at Jackson who was not shirtless and sitting on the edge of his bed. A blush crept once again onto my cheeks as my eyes trailed down to Jackson's abs. "Ah!" Jinyoung had a moment of realization and threw a blanket onto Jackson. Jackson gripped the blanket as he fell asleep. Jinyoung and I glanced at each other and went to bed without another word.

My alarm woke me up abruptly and I slowly climbed down the bed ladder and got dressed. I grabbed my rehearsal bag and threw in my charger and notebook. I took the elevator to the breakfast area where my group was. After eating we headed straight to practice and then to the fan meet sight. As we began our fan meet, Rose and Jia stood up to do a little of an opening dance. Eventually our whole group joined in and we did the Outro to Better: Dream On. As the fan meeting commenced, we stacked up our gifts and thanked our fans. After our fan meet we collapsed onto the beds in my room. "So where are the boys?" Jia asked. "Jackson and Jinyoung are at their concert site and Jungkook went to dance practice", I responded while not opening my eyes. "At least we're done", Rose sighed. "Only until the day after tomorrow", Amy responded, "then we have the photo shoots." We all groaned and I sat up as I remembered the events of last night. "Girls, something weird happened last night", I said. They sat up and looked at me, Amy and Bella climbed up to my bed; while Jia and Rose climbed up to Jinyoung's bed. "What happened?" Jia asked. "So last night I think Jinyoung tried to kiss me", I said. They gasped as I told them the complete details. When I told them about Jackson, they wondered why he went drinking. "Maybe he's stressed?" Amy suggested and we just sighed.

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