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"Alright, first these articles," Jai-Wei said as he spread out some articles he printed from online in front of us. I looked them over and they were all about how Jinyoung and I would be a good couple.

"Sir, this is a misunderstanding," I told them.

"We know, but we still have to release a press statement," Seunghoon said.

"So what will this press statement be?" Jinyoung asked.

"I'm sure it will just talk about how I had stopped the group's arrival and you came to help me. I mean we are close aren't we. It's like sibling love," I joked.

"Actually it's quite the opposite for sibling love, Crystal," Jai-Wei said with a small laugh.

"We actually would like you two to announce yourselves as an official couple for advertising reasons," Seunghoon said to us.

"What!" I stood up from my seat in an uproar. I glared at our managers.

"Now, Crystal. It's a contract relationship that will only last until promotions are over. After that, there will be another statement released of your break up," Jai-Wei said as he stood up to meet my gaze.

"Contract relationship or not, this is unfair," I said in anger.

"It's not like we can do anything about it," Jinyoung commented. My gaze changed as I started to look at him. "It's just for 2 months anyway." I stared Jinyoung down as I know that he knew that I was in a relationship with Taehyung.

"See, no objections. Unless, you are dating someone else?" Seunghoon challenged me. I kept my poker face on, because I knew that if I told them about Tae and I both of our contracts would be suspended.

"No, sir," I said through my gritted teeth.

"Alright, then sign the contract papers tomorrow and we'll release a statement the very next hour," Seunghoon said with a smile. Jai-Wei sent me a sympathetic smile as I turned on my heel and opened the door with a loud noise. Amy was trailing being me as I furiously made my way to her car. I huffed in anger in my car seat as Amy climbed into hers. She side glanced me and gulped as she turned to meet me. I raised an eyebrow as she just smiled at me.

"So, what happened?" she sweetly asked.

"What happened?" I asked bitterly, "I'll tell you what happened. Jai-Wei and Seunghoon want me and Jinyoung to be a couple for 3 damn months! What am I supposed to do! I am dating Tae, I love Tae! I don't want to date Jinyoung! And to make it worse it's just for promotions and Jinyoung didn't even say anything against it!" I threw my hands up as I sunk into my seat. I took the time to catch my breath from all the ranting. Once fully able to breathe, I saw a distressed Amy.

"They. Told. You. And. Jinyoung. To. Date. For. Three. Months?" Amy said slowly. I turned to her and pouted while nodding my head. "I'm telling BTS. Wait till they hear about this, we'll have a new damn manager by the time I'm done with them." She turned the car on and drove with both hands on the wheel. I looked at her with wide eyes as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the door. She composed herself and knocked on the door three times. Jin happily opened the door and was more than surprised to see us. Amy nodded a hello and pushed her way into the dorm and to the living room. RM and J-Hope were already there and Jin was following us. "BTS IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW!" she yelled. Her voice echoed throughout the house as the maknae line stumbled down the stairs and onto the couch. Everyone was here except Yoongi. Amy huffed and let my wrist go; she stomped her way to Yoongi's room and dragged him downstairs by his ear. "Alright! Everyone's here, right?" she asked sweetly. The startled BTS nodded their heads at Amy.

"Amy, are you feeling okay?" Yoongi asked as he shifted to a more calming position than he had been when Amy threw him on the couch.

"I AM FINE, but Crystal on the other hand is extremely depressed," she said while pointing to me. I had sat down on the couch and buried my head in my hands. As soon as I heard my name, I perked up and saw the boys looking at me. I saw Jungkook nudge Tae to go to me. Tae immediately stood up and engulfed me into a hug. I hugged back and started to cry into his chest.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I already felt everyone worrying for me.

"Well, lookie here. Y'all are gonna have to kill our manager, Got7's manager, and of course Jinyoung of Got7," Amy said before she started telling them what went down in Jai-Wei's office. I felt tension in the air as Amy finished telling them.

"They did what," Tae said in such a serious voice that I was scared. I gripped his shirt tighter and he calmly patted my back. "Everything's going to be okay," he whispered to me, "Oh! And I sent Clover with your group." Tae let go of me and wiped the tears from my face.

"What are you going to do?" RM asked him.

"Is there anything I can do that won't be rash?" he asked his leader. RM sighed.

"I know how it would feel, V. But the only rash thing to do, is let this pan out for 3 months and let them break up," he replied. Tae put his head in his hands and I patted his back.

"Amy, I'll tell Jai-Wei and Seunghoon that I refuse to," I started. Tae looked at me and so did the rest of BTS. They didn't know what I was up to. "I'll make another proposition, but I need a plan." They looked at me curiously. "First, we need a heartwarming moment between me and Tae. I suggest the event of being in a public place together- our two groups- and Clover accidentally tripping. Tae catches her and helps her stand on her own. Then I trip and he helps me as well. Then he gives Clover a piggyback ride for the rest of the evening," I said with a smile.

"That would catch everyone's attention. It's brilliant! And you could be dating Taehyung officially instead of Jinyoung!" Amy exclaimed. The members looked at me with surprise and I felt Tae squeeze my hand a little.

"When should we carry out such a plan?" Jin asked.

"Today," I announced. " We sign the contract tomorrow, so this needs to take place as soon as possible." They nodded.

"But where is this going to happen? You said some public place," RM said.

"Yup, maybe the amusement park?" Amy suggested. Wenodded and decided on that place.     

Daegu Boys(Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang