This House Is Mine?!

415 14 29

(A/O) - Any Age over 18 and under 23


Chapter Twenty-two:


(Y/N)'s POV:

I really wanted to go home so I asked the other guys to watch over Elijah and keep him company while I'm gone.

I drove to my house.

I tried to open the door but it won't budge.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home!" I yelled.

I finally opened the door. In the hallway I saw a bunch of boxes.

My mom appeared out of nowhere.

"Mom? What's this?" I asked referring to the bunch of boxes.

"Oh, we're moving." She said.

My eyes widened.

"B-but... We just moved here!" I exclaimed.

"No (Y/N)... You're staying here." She said.

I was so confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Only me and your Dad are moving. You're staying here." She said.

"But that does not explain why you're moving!" I exclaimed.

She sighed. "Your birthday is coming up. You're gonna be (A/O) soon. We wanted to give you space since you're gonna be an adult. So that's why we're moving." She sighed.

I hugged her. "I'm gonna miss you Mom..." I sighed.

Dad suddenly appeared.

I hugged him too. "I'll miss you too dad."

I heard him sigh and then he hugged me back.

"I'll miss you too, (Your Nickname)..." He said.

I let go.

"So... Before we go we wanna meet your friends." My Mom said with a small smile.

"I've noticed they're all boys..." Dad grumbled.

I chuckled.

"Anyways, I'm excited to see the handsome one." Mom said referring to Denis.

I rolled my eyes.

"They're in the hospital." I said.

"Let's just go..." Dad said.


"You are so CUUUUUUUTE!" My Mom squealed while pinching Corl's cheeks.

"Anyways Mom and this is Braden. Braden, this is my Mom." I said.

"You look like a little baby!" She said and continued pinching his cheeks.

I tried my best to contain my laughter.

Elijah just bursted out laughing.

"What? It's true!" Mom whined.

She let go and "inspected" the other boys.

"I think my cheeks are swollen..." Corl said.

I chuckled.

"Wow! You look like Tom Holland!" Mom said and grabbed Sketch's face.

"I'm Elijah -_-" He grumbled.

"Does she do this to everyone she meets?" Corl asked me.

"Only to a lucky few..." I laughed.

"You again!" Dad yelled at Denis.

He gulped.

"H-hello sir..." Denis stuttered.

Instead of doing what I expected him to do. He walked over to Denis and hugged him.

Denis' jaw dropped.

"I'm glad you're okay..." Dad said.


He let go of him.

"I have a good feeling about you kid."

"Thank you." He said and smiled.

"Ooh! Nice to see you again Dave!" Mom said and hugged him.

"The name's Denis..." Denis said.

"Okay..." She said and let go.

"And Mom this is Alex..." I said.

"You're British too?!" Mom exclaimed.

"Umm yeah?" He said.

"Yes finally!" She said and hugged him.

Alex's cheeks went red.

I laughed.

"And this is Sub... Uh... I mean Luke." I said.

Mom opemed her arms and hugged him.

"I don't do hugs -_-" He grumbled.

"You smell like cookies..." Mom said.

"Help me😓" Sub mumbled.

"Okay we gotta go (Mother's Name), well miss our flight." Dad said.

"Okay. Nice meeting this boys." Mom said.

"Yeah, please take good care of our daughter." Dad said.

They all nodded and then my parents left.

"Sooo... What do you wanna do now?" I asked The Pals.

"Well... We're going on a cruise next week." Denis said.

My eyes lit up.

"A cruise!?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, you wanna come?" Alex asked.

"I would love to!" I exclaimed.

"What about me?" Elijah asked.

"You're coming too." Alex said.

He smiled.

I looked at my watch. "Oh sorry guys I gotta go." I said.

They shrugged. "It's okay."

I exited the hospital and drove home.

Author's Note:

That's it. Hope you're excited for the next chapter.

*tries to wink but fails miserably*

Ugh! Dang it! I can't do it!

Never mind...

I'm Not Worth It (Reader X The Pals) (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now