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Hey guys I'm not dead!

I was just taking a break.

The next chapters are being written but first here are some random scenarios.


Denis: *leaning on the crab tank*

(Y/N): What are you doing?

Denis: Shaddup! Can't you see Pinchy's stuck?


Corl: Author, Why are you so scared of birds?

Author: Shhh... They're terrifying okay?


(Y/N): Sub, what's your favorite ship in the pals?

Sub: S-Sublex...

Alex: Heh Heh, you're blushing


Sketch: How come nobody ships me with anyone? *Cries*

Author: I have a gay friend. Do you want me to arrange something?

Sketch: No I-

Author: Or I could write a threesome with you and Sublex.

Sketch: No I don't need-

Author: Oh! I could set you up and your brother.

Sketch and Bandi: WTF! That's incest and gay! (They're twins so telephathy is a thing)

Author: And just a while ago you were complaining you had nobody...


Readers: Is Mark Markiplier?

Mark: Ahem... No I'm not Markiplier. Mark's a common name. I have some friends with the same name as me. It was actually quite funny when I heard I was going to act as an Irish dude. I was supposed to be an exotic dancer but I saw this job and decided to act for this instead.

Author: WTH... It was a simple Yes or No question. We didn't need to your life story.

Mark: It was also hilarious getting hired by prepubescent preteen. The contract was poorly written and the script was unorganized. 😂😂😂

Author: Shut up! I'm developing okay!


If you have any questions for the Author or Cast just place them in the comment section and they will try their best to answer your questions.

And also please check the new book once it's published! It's going to be called “The Pals' Groupchat”!

It includes the most popular ships in The Pals:

Sublex and


It will also be a bit mature. So if you're in the age below 13 please don't read it.

Oh no... Now that I said that you're going to read it now, are you...

The author will try to add more effort to this one as it is and will be her second book.

Anyway, with all those aside let's read the blurb:

AlexCrafted added DinDin, Skoopy, Corky, and Subby to the Groupchat: Hai Everyone!!! ❤❤❤

Skoopy : What is this?

AlexCrafted : A groupchat

Skoopy : No

Skoopy : I meant what am I doing here?

AlexCrafted : I added you

Skoopy : ( ̄^ ̄)

Skoopy : I give up

DinDin : Heyyy

Skoopy : Why dont you just type normally like a normal person

DinDin : You're so mean

Corky : Stop being mean to my man!

Skoopy : Your man?

Corky : Auto-correct... I meant friend

Skoopy : I bet you typed that on purpose because auto-correct knows the spelling of friend

Corky : It was auto-correct!!!

Skoopy : Ha! Blaming it on an inanimate object

DinDin : Stop fighting

Subby : What did I miss?

AlexCrafted : They're fighting over Denis

Skoopy : No were not!

AlexCrafted : Your grammar's wrong

Skoopy : don't tell me what's wrong and what's right!

Corky : I'm agreeing with Alex

I'm Not Worth It (Reader X The Pals) (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now