Chp. 18

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Rayne, my god mother, smiled down on me with so much love that I almost wanted to stay here. To protect her, To give her some kind of peace in this hellish void but i couldn't stay here and be happy. Not with the fresh memory of my mothers death and a constant reminder that I was the one who killed her. Rayne's delicate arms wrapped around my neck, calming my raging nerves and capturing my attention. Everything and everyone else were mere distractions, not strong enough to steal my attention away from this woman.

She's the person that my mother loved, but never got the chance to show her what true happiness was. She was the woman that made her smile whenever Rexus had an episode and showed her compassion when he couldn't. Rayne loved my mother and, even though she knew she could never have her, she never stopped. Instead of yelling after a mistake my mother made, she laughed and reassured her that it would be alright and that she still loved her. The only reason my mother never left Rexus was because I was born, and even then, Rayne still loved and cared about her. My father often tired having her killed or locked away but, even though he was 'King', the people respected her more, which was ironic.

Having her here with me, lifted all the anger and malice from my heart. She always had this effect on me, the person who killed her lover.

"WHAT?!" Rexus roared, anger radiating from his scaly skin but the only person that jumped was his wife. Rayne never acknowledged his tantrum, which angered him even more.

"SHE IS MY CHILD. SHE DOESN'T BELONG TO A MONSTER LIKE YOURSELF!!" This time I looked at him with all the hatred that I had for him resting in my eyes. My glare alone set him back to his human stage and everyone in the room noticed as their 'mighty king' was reduced to nothing under my glare. Taking over for him, Blade, his general, takes over the conversation.

His golden eyes, hardening under my gaze, still looked the same from all those years ago. The hate that danced behind those eyes made me smile. My rampage killed a number of people but sadly he wasn't one of them. If he wasn't such a rat, then he would have died but he weaseled his way out of death. Barely. The scar that tattooed his face made my smile grow more. As I studied him more, I noticed that his cape was draped over his entire left side.

"He should have died." Xena growled out and I couldn't agree more. He should have died. Xena crushed the entire left side of his body, narrowly missing his head, were his heart should have been but the bastard was born with dextrocardia. Instead of being on the left side of his body, his heart was situated on the right side.

Anger nipped away at my calm state as he continued to stare at me. Out of all the innocent people that were taken on that night, the one man that deserted to die was standing right before me. Rayne's delicate touch erased the anger as she gained Blades attention.

"Calm your master, pet. He looks weak in front of his kingdom and we wouldn't want them seeing him like this now would we?" Blades face burned briefly before he stiffly nodded, walking over to his beloved king.

"My lord, I think this is enough. Let us get prepared for your counsel with Lord Bardos." My fathers eyes were trained on me the entire time but after some more begging from Blade he gave in and retired to his study.


"You should come with me Rayne, Earth really isn't that bad of a place. It's better than here." I offered for the twelfth time tonight as she absently bit her lower lip. She had told me that she'll sleep on it but I didn't have that much time. I wasn't going to stay here any second longer, not with that ape of a king and his snake of a wife. I knew it was hard for her though. She lived here for eons. It was her home. She couldn't just up and leave because I wanted her to but what did she have here? A man trying to kill her constantly and solitude? I wouldn't let her stay here alone, not again.

She gently gripped my hand, looking me in my eyes. "How do you plan on leaving? You know they sealed up your last escape portal so that won't be an option." I smiled at her concern, knowing that she would come with me. With a small wave of my hands a hologram of our entire realm appeared before us, a star indicated where we were. Sliding through the hologram, I reached a point on the map that was our main site for fresh water. Zooming in, I showed her a place, just beneath the water, that would be ideal for another portal.

"We can be there in seconds, all I need is for you to say yes." My eyes silently beg her to come with me and leave this place. I wanted her to be happy and this place was only a reminder of my mother and every other bad thing that ever happened to her. With a slow nod of her head, she agrees to come with me and my happiness erupts.

"Great! I've got two more coming with us, if you don't mind." She just smiles as I wave my hand and they appear before us.

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