Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 2

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* Tristan's POV*

I stared for a while. My sister and the boy sitting across from her stared back. Then Vanessa's face darkened. "Tristan!" She barked. "I cannot believe this. Jess was talking about you? You got into a fight.. No wait, worse, you got detention! All on your very first day!" she pinched the bridge of her nose.

I shifted, feeling remorse. I didn't want make Vanessa feel responsible for me. That wasn't very fair, after all, she'd done a lot for me. But I couldn't seem to force the words 'I'm sorry' from my lips, so I settled for saying "Don't tell dad"

The boy, the dainty blond one curled up like a kitten on the chair, who I would have found very cute under different circumstance's, cleared his throat. "Dad?!" he seemed puzzled, then he whipped his face to stare at Vanessa. "THIS is your brother?"

She nodded, looking worried and anxious. "Jess this is Tristan, Tristan, this is my best friend Jess" at first I was merely startled. Then I narrowed my eye's in distaste. This was the boy who'd witnessed the fight this morning. The one who'd watched some poor gay kid get beaten without a second thought.

The one who seemed overly fond of the word 'Fag'. I'd heard him say it this morning, then twice well I'd eavesdropped from the kitchen well they talked about me. I didn't like this word what so ever. It was what my overly religious mother had called me when I'd came out of the closet to her.

Of course, right after she'd kicked me out, all for 'Being an abomination in god's eye's' as she liked to say. I didn't buy that. God loved me. He had to, right? He wouldn't make me like this just so he could hate me. Would he?

Anyways, dad had taken me in with open, if not awkward arms. We hardly knew each other, and it was weird as hell calling him 'Dad'. I had a tendency to call him Paul. He didn't like that very much though, so I'd been doing my best to call him just dad.

There was a catch however. Only Vanessa knew that I was gay. I'd simply told dad that me and mom were fighting, and since they hated each other, he hadn't bothered to talk to her about it. Dad was pretty religious himself, and I was scared. What if he kicked me out to? I had no where else to go.

"Tristan, cut it out" Vanessa voice snapped me out of worrying about possibilities. I blinked, and focused on her. "Cut what out?" I questioned. "Quit glaring at my best friend, your scaring him" I turned my attention to the little Blondie, who did in fact, look vaguely frightened.

"Good" I grumbled with the curl of my lip. He shrunk back. Awwe how cute.

Vanessa sat up straighter. "You're my brother boy, but I will kick your ass if you mess with my friends" she threatened, being the little firecracker she is. I snorted, then plopped down on the couch next to her. "I didn't know you were friends with such homophobe's" I growled.

"Homophobe's?" she looked puzzled for a moment. Then looked at Jess, threw her head back, and laughed. Jess pointedly looked away, bristling. Was that a blush creeping along his neck to his cheeks? I was confused now.

When Vanessa's laughter settled to just hiccups, she looked back to me. "Jess isn't a homophobe" she assured me. There was still laughter in here voice "Trust me"

"But..." I faltered "He called that kid a fag. He seemed amused by it to"

Vanessa became serious then "Yeah, well it's kind of complicated."

Jess gave her a dirty look, then I caught his eye's grazing over me. I wonder what he thought? Somehow it mattered to me terribly that he found me attractive. I wasn't sure where that little desire came from, but it was there, in the front of my mind, crystal clear and vivid.

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