Your My Dream (BoyxBoy) 28

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*Jessie's POV*

Time is an enemy to man kind. When your desperate, begging on your hands and knee's for more more more it fly's by in the blink of an eye. Yet when your sitting in class, intently waiting for the last ten minute's to tick by, it happens ever so slowly.

Time is my enemy. And I'm almost out of it.

We've been at Miss. Lucille's house for six days. Tonight is my last night. Tomorrow morning we're gathering our things and heading home. Of course it won't be home much longer, not for me. New York will be my home. The words don't seem to fit together properly.

This week has been a big fat juicy slab of sadness as each second slips by, irreversible. It's been peppered with genuine smile's, all to sweet kisses, and tingle inducing touches tough, and maybe that make's up for some of the up-coming loneliness I'm going to have to face.

Vanessa forgave me the day after Miss. Lucille had her 'talk' with me and Tristan. I don't think she was ever mad, just lost. It's how I feel. How will I even manage to function without my ever so bubbly best friend? The very thought frightens me to the core.

I sigh, watching the sky swallow up the last of days light, chasing it over the horizon. I figure that when it rise's tomorrow morning, I won't feel so numb. The shock will kick in. I'll finally get it through my thick head that, after leaving California I go home to my mom to pack for one evening, then it's time for goodbye's. I've always hated goodbye's.. change to for that matter.

Suddenly hand's cover my eye's. There warm and deeply familiar after all the time's I've held them. "Guess who?" Tristan's voice says lightly, though buried in it is longing. Sadness. Frustration. Regret.

"Taylor Lautner?" I suggest. I can sense his eye's rolling.

"No, I'm way better looking then him" he state's, uncovers my eye's and spins me around for a kiss. It's really more just a teasing brush of his lips, making me growl and try to lean into him further. He ignores my attempts and pushes me back gently.

"Grab a sweater, it's cold out" he tells me, then he's left the guest room that is full of my thing's. I grumble a little, knowing the kiss is bait, knowing that he used it to hook me, to reel me after him wherever he goes with ease. Sadly his lips work all to well.

I grab my gray hoodie, shove it over my head, then make me way outside into the refreshing night air. For some reason air always seems so much more breathable after the moon's taken it's shift lightening the sky. Tristan, Evan, and Nessa wait, smiling expectantly.

"What are we doing?" I ask, eyebrows drawing together.

Evan tosses something at me and instincts lead me to automatically catch it. It's a rolled up sleeping bag, so fluffy that well holding it cradled in my arms I have to crane my neck to see over it. Three other's like it are in the arms or over the backs of my friends.

"We're camping?" I raise my eyebrows curiously. "Where?"

"Why the beach of course" Tristan tells me matter-of-factly.

Vanessa smirks slyly. "I brought fireworks!!!!!"

"So wait, is this legal? Fireworks and camp outs?" I frown at them.

Tristan shrugs "I used to do it all the time..."

"So to answer your question, no it's not legal" Evan inputs, making me laugh.

We wander along the beach for awhile, laughing joking and taking jabs at each other. It's probably the first night when we've all forgotten that we're not supposed to be having fun, were supposed to be sad. I'm glad we could escape from the dreads of reality for a while though.

Finally we find a nice spot. It's.. in a word? Breath-taking. The night time sky and it's stars reflect against the rippling, constantly in motion water. little dots of light fighting against utter blackness... I look at Tristan, Vanessa and Evan. My little dots of light, what'll I be without them?

Tristan catches me gawking and take's my hand, using it as a tool to pull me close. His arms wrap around my stomach and he's holding me from behind, gently shifting his weight back and forth. "Beautiful, isn't it?" he whispers in my ear, a flood of warmth restarting the circulation that the cold has fought off.

"Yes" I agree in a whisper, not failing to notice that Vanessa and Evan are giving us our privacy, setting up the sleeping bags and looking over the fireworks. Thankful for the moments as alone as the two of us can get, I turn my head over my shoulder and kiss his jaw.

He take's the opportunity to kiss my lips, and like lighting the fuse to a bomb, our tongue's explode against each other, mouths working together and apart in a fight to be in control. After Tristan wins like he normally does, we stop sucking face and join Evan and Nessa.

When the fireworks are all ready we each take one along with a lighter and spread out a little bit. I run my thumb along my own lighter, daring the friction to cause a tiny flame to push back against the night time. One pops it's way up and sizzle's as it sway back and forth. I watch for a moment, then snap out of it as my friends call out that they're ready to one and other. "Ready!" I'm the last to say it.

"One!" Evans calls. Were supposed to start on three.

"Two!" Nessa exclaims.

"Three!!!" Tristan shouts, and we all start the fireworks up. They take off screaming over the sea, getting progressively closer to each other, all making there own coloured trails as little flecks of color falls off each of them, thrilling neon rising, before they inevitably explode.

Inevitable things suck when they're happening to you.

We spend the rest of the night setting off different kinds of fire works or playing with firecrackers and sparklers. I love sparklers, but they along with all the other fire-works Vanessa brought have something that bug me. They run out of time to.

By the time were all to exhausted to stand I'm feeling rather glum. But along with everyone else I crawl into my sleeping bag. It feels cold and empty. I stare at the sky, which earlier was filled with stars and a silver moon but now has clouded over. It seems cold and empty to.

"Anyone awake?" I hiss. No reply. I roll over and fidget for a while longer, then crawl out of my sleeping bag. Walk over to Tristan's and crouch there. "Pst"

He stirs a little. "Psssssst" I say a little louder now.

He opens his eye's and looks up at me tiredly. "Can we share your sleeping bag?" my voice quake's, waking him up more. He props himself up on his elbow and nods. I feel the pressure that had been steadily building in my chest lessen as I undo his sleeping bag and slid in.

I nuzzle his chest and feel his arms loop around me. I feel a lot more secure now and fall asleep with a sad, sad smile plastered across my face.


God i've worked hard on this story. I feel like it's my child or somehting. I dunno, I guess i'm attatched.

I'm attached to my fans to. Connected to every single person who's read one snetence of 'Your My Dream' connected becuase when they read my words they took a little peice of me with them.

God i'm the quenn of chessy. One of thease days cheasewiz is gonna come after me, I swear it. Maybe i'm just tired *Yawn* Oh well, hope you likd my chapter and my chessy sidenote. Leave a comment.

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