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Hi! Ok so i had this chapter written already but shitpad dELETED IT. I wasnt able to remember exactly what i put in it but i know it was better than this trash im publishing. Anyways, comment! It makes my day :)

And i know i was supposed to update on sunday, but i just couldnt wait!

Everyday, the bells were rung randomly, the signal for the drill. One time, Tia was drying her hands from using the restroom when she was rushed to one of the saferooms.

Everyday, it was random. Everyday, Tia's mind would run, thinking that they had found her. That they would kill anyone just to find her.

Even more, she was worried for Izana. He refused to enter a saferoom. He said he felt hopeless inside those closed rooms and that he would feel better if he himself was fighting whoever had trespassed onto his kingdom.

Tia sighed at her thoughts. She was in one of the libraries, looking for book to occupy her mind. She really needed a break. And a book would surely do the job.

After searching through the colors of the books, she found this grey/greenish combination which she found beautiful. She read the title: red

She had read this story already. A ginger haired girl marries a man who has had many wives in the past. Similar like her. Reddish hair, light colored eyes, thin and pretty. She then finds out that he has killed all his previous wives. And she was next.

Tia didnt remember the exact ending so she figured that she should read it again.

As she had sat down in one of the chairs, someone came into the room. She didnt bother looking to see who it was, as she was sure it was probably one of the girls, or maybe a maid cleaning.

"The book any good?" The familiar voice said above her.

Startled, Tia looked up to see a certain mans handsome face.

Tia could feel the heat rushing to her cheecks at the close proximity of their faces. "I-i guess. I just started it."

Izana smiled warmly. Oh goodness, his smile! "Well, if its good, i'll read it."

Tia giggled. "I'll be sure to tell you if its good."

Izana had already read the book. Twice. He just wanted a reason to approach her. To see her smile. Her laugh was adorable. He needed to hear it often.

Suddenly, bells could be heard in the distance. They both shot to their feet. Izana grabbed Tia's hand and ran to the nearest saferoom.

Shouts could be heard in the far distance. This time, it wasn't a drill for sure.

Izana found one of the rooms and opened to door. This one was empty. No one was inside it yet. Tia went in, Izana's hand still in hers. She tried to pull him inside, but he didnt budge. Of course.

"Izana, no. Please dont leave me. Im scared."

"It'll be fine Tatiana. Just please stay here."

"No! Please. This isnt a drill this time, is it?" Izana didnt answer.

Tia's heart began to race. She began to feel warm. The walls were closing in. Her breathing became shallow.

Izana quickly notices and does something that catches them both offguard.

He moves in hurriedly, bringing them closer, removing the distance between the two. And then suddenly, the space between their lips vanishes.

They didnt move. They stayed like that for a few moments, both shocked at the scenario. Nonetheless, both their eyes were closed, savoring the moment.

Izana then pulled away, still embracing the small girl.

"Are you alright now?"

"Definitely not."

Izana chuckled. "Stay here. Please." Tia nodded slowly.

They moved away from eachother, one of their hands entertwined. Izana retreated from the room, slowly letting go of her hand as he stepped out. Tia went to the door, closed it, and locked it.

Tia was left in the room alone, still processing what happened

Ok idk what that was. Originally that was supposed to be a kiss on the forehead scene. Actually, it was supposed to be a "get-locked-in-together" scene. Hope you all enjoy.




The princess. -Izana Wisteria DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now