2 | Trouble

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It had been a couple of weeks since he had told Jennah to leave him alone and she was becoming restless

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It had been a couple of weeks since he had told Jennah to leave him alone and she was becoming restless. The sole purpose of being a hero was to find the amplifier of your powers.

Everyone else made it look simple, so it just had to be difficult for her. Sigh. Life never goes the way she want it to.

It wasn't just the fact that he had explicitly made it clear he wants nothing to do with her, it was also impossible due to him being an idol. Every day must be busy for him with little chance for him to rest. So how would it work out in the first place? Jennah couldn't be everywhere he was.

At first, she had let it go and hadn't told anyone about finding her amplifier, but it must've been her hero instincts that told her something bad was going to happen. She needed to meet up with him and try to convince him that they need each other. However, like she had said before, that was going to be impossible.

She could feel a headache coming on and she slumped onto a bench, pressing a cold drink to her temple. Why is everything so complicated?

At that moment, the same feeling from the other night overcame her and she shot to her feet.

He's here and he's hurt.

Once again Jennah closed her eyes and tried to sense him; ignoring the thoughts on how coincidental this all seemed. She locked on to his location and followed her mind-map until she got to where he was. He was crouched against a wall and held his side, blood gushed past his fingers and made a puddle on the ground.

With a pale face, he looked up at his attacker in fear. He had only wanted to come out for some fresh air and didn't realise he was being followed.

He sensed another's presence and looked in their direction, his face growing paler ever still. It's that girl again. Didn't I tell her to leave me alone?

Another wave of pain hit him and he doubled over. It hurt so much.

The attacker went to attack him again only to be stopped by a force pushing him back. A strong wind started and the guy was lifted off of the ground and thrown into the wall. He slid down it, leaving a trail of blood and he crumpled on the ground.

Jimin resisted the urge to throw up and stumbled to his feet.

"You should stay still or you'll make your wound worse!" She came to his side and tried to aid him in standing up. 

He roughly pushed her hands away and used the wall as support as he attempted to walk forward. He almost collapsed again, and Jennah used her power to hold him upright. After that, she used it to make him lay down on the fluffy cloud that was produced; so he didn't have to directly come in contact with the dirty ground.

"I know you don't like me, but I'm just going to look at your wound, alright?"

"Are you a doctor?"


"Then how can you help?" he scoffed and struggled to stand up.

Jennah rolled her eyes and hovered her hand over the wound, ignoring the fact that his well-defined abs could be seen throufh the tear n his shirt.  A golden light shone under her palm and his skin began to stitch itself back together. The blood also disappeared, leaving him with flawless skin.

"All done." Jennah smiled triumphantly at her my work and mentally slapped herself on the back.

Jimin stood up and that disgusted look was back on his face. "I didn't need your help." He grimaced and went on his way.

Jennah sat there dumbfounded for a moment and then called after him, "you're welcome!"

Seriously, what is this guy's problem?

Seriously, what is this guy's problem?

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