| Epilogue |

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A moss-covered, rocky ceiling was the first thing Jennah saw when she woke up

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A moss-covered, rocky ceiling was the first thing Jennah saw when she woke up. Fire coming from brackets on the walls flickered out of the corner of her eyes.

Confusion brewed within her and she tried to make sense of what was going on. The last thing she remembered was a shadowed man dropping Jimin off the side of a building, and his screams that were the only thing left behind.

"Jimin!" Jennah kept screaming his name and began to thrash around - her mind wouldn't calm down.

"Restrain her!" a gruff voice shouted and then she felt hands grabbing her arms and other parts of her body to keep her still.

Then a gentle hand covered her mouth to stop me from yelling out anymore.

"You're safe, Jennah." the same voice spoke again. Once her shouting had ceased, they then said, "I'm safe."

That was when she turned to the side, with extreme difficulty, and she saw Jimin standing beside the bed. His injuries had healed, and he was standing there like nothing had occurred previously.

"How?" She was even more confused than before. "I saw..."

"I know what you saw," Jimin interrupted her and waved his hand, indicating to the ones restraining her to let go. "Do you know how long you've been asleep?"

When Jennah shook her head, he answered his own question, "three months."

"Three months?!"

"Yes, you've been in a coma since then. You overworked yourself when you used your powers and became unconscious. Seeing me fall off the building was the last straw for your mental state."

"Now here you are," the gruff voice from before butted into their conversation. The man then appeared in her sights. "I'm glad to see you're awake, Hero Jennah."

"D... Dad?!" Shock washed over her anew, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "You're still alive?"



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