3 | I Know Who You Are

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The next time Jennah saw Jimin he was sat at a diner, fiddling with the cup in front of him

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The next time Jennah saw Jimin he was sat at a diner, fiddling with the cup in front of him. He seemed distracted like something was bothering him.

"Is anyone sitting here?" She asked, and he gave a nod, hardly looking up from the cup he was still focused on. "Can we talk?"

"About?" His head snapped up at the recognisable voice and he jumped up. "I thought I told you to leave me alone! Are you stalking me? You seem to be everywhere I go."

"Stalking you? This was just a coincidence, and that other time I was at the concert because I like your music, why else would I be there?" Jennah rolled her eyes. "Why can't you just let me say what I have to say? It won't take forever."

Jimin slammed his hands on the table, causing the other patrons to look their way. "Do I really look that stupid? I already know who you are, that's why I don't want anything to do with you. Nothing good comes out of knowing you heroes."

Jennah stood up and faced him head-on.

"Whatever history you have with us heroes is your own problem, not mine. I'm only here because I have to be. You're my amplifier? Why did it have to be someone as problematic as you? And with such an attitude problem!"

She made for the door and then turned back. "Fine, I'll leave you be. Don't come running to me when you need my protection. I'm no longer interested."


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