Doctor x Reader

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Hi guys its Safaia Tsuki here again! This one was requested, so i hope i execute it okay ♡^▽^♡ anyway, to the story!

Requested by: hyisenth i believe o(^▽^)o

How did i get myself into this situation? You think to yourself, mind racing with thoughts as you run from him. The Doctor. You had been 'treated' multiple times and struggled to keep your mind under control, letting out blood curtling screams every once and a while.

You were injured and struggled to keep your footing as he quickly gained on you. He had broken almost every pallet around you, so they weren't any help. You stumbled around a tree, but he anticipated it and, now in punishment mode, put you in dying state.

He lugged you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and started to the nearest hook, which was, thankfully, not quite so near. You somehow wiggled out before he could hook you, and you started running. He, obviously, chased after you. Only a few seconds in, you faltered and turned to look at him, probably due to the high insanity you currently owned.

Looking at him, you couldnt help but notice how sad and pained his eyes were. His eyes were dark, the only sparks he had were on his weapon. But the sight of his weakness was probably your undoing. You completely stopped running, and he was obviously not prepared for that. He skidded to a stop and looked at you oddly, knocking you down and picking you up again. This time, though, he didnt bring you to a hook and instead into a house.

He shut the door behind you two when he found a room without a gen or closet. After being set down, you used unbreakable to get yourself up and your med kit to heal yourself. He barely moved as you got all the way up, just watching you. After a minute, maybe two, he inched toward you cautiously, extending a free hand. You stared at him for a moment, confused at how safe you actually felt.

In that instance of just being close and staring at each other, you really felt something. And you would have kissed the tall killer, if not for the last obvious issue then. At that moment, his weapon's spark carried into his eyes, showing his true feelings and how much he truly cared. However, you still saw the pain and it broke your heart.

Hearing the last generator finish and knowing you had to leave or be killed, you looked at the tall male with pleading eyes. He simply nodded. You would get out of here alive. Filled with emotion and knowing what would happen to him for not sacrificing anyone, you encircled your arms around his body and buried your face into his chest. He pet your head gently and then pushed you away, signaling for you to leave.

You teared up a bit as you ran out of the house and to the nearest open exit gate, heart aching in your chest. He watched you leave from the window, eyes sparkling.

Lol i really dont know if thats good. Its more fluff and shorter than most chapters in this book, but i was trying to get it out quickly and i hope it satifies your guys' needs a bit lmao Safa out! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

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