Chapter 1: Death Is Not Satisfying

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i like reincarnation novels

so I made one

well, im making one




It is one of the strangest things to mankind.

No matter what we do, we cannot envision anything other than existing after death. The idea of simply disappearing is something that cannot be fathomable to minds that have always existed.
It may come as a shock to you, but my story starts at my death.

Let me set the scene.

It was a mild autumn day, and I, switching up my routine a bit, decided to go to a café to get a coffee and work on my ongoing life project, the encyclopaedia of Hearthia, a world I had created. I had originally started the idea of Hearthia in high school. I had read innumerable amounts of reincarnation novels, and their universes intrigued me to the utmost extent. So, I decided to make one for myself. I created a huge, hardback, A4, leather bound, grimoire-esque journal. I had hand made it, with stained paper and all, a bright green cat eye embedded into the front cover like the book had an eyelid.
I created a map, made the countries, gods, magical system and monsters, and much, much more. It was an ongoing project that I couldn't help but continue to add on to.
So I had sat at the back of the warm and earthy smelling cafe, sketching down the image of a creature, headphones in, sipping my coffee.
I had to say, out of all of the ways to die, this was not on my top 10 most likely deaths.
So I had been peacefully sketching around, before finishing the coffee and packing up my books, head bobbing along to the music in my headphones.
Unbeknownst to me, due to me headphones, I had not heard the man burst through the door, yelling profanities and for 'everyone' to 'get down'.
His eyes had been crazy, hair wild and pupils constricted. He was carrying a huge semi automatic rifle in his hands, his arms shaking from the remnants of needle prodding.
So I had stood up, not realising my fate, and just as I pulled my encyclopaedia of Hearthia to my chest, a gunshot rang out.
The force of the bullets knocked me down, red of the blood staining and soaking into the yellowed pages of the handmade encyclopaedia.
The heat of the wound seemed to expand the more blood that I lost, and the cries of horror became muffled as my consciousness faded.

'Wow,' I had thought with my last dying breath, 'I didn't even get to finish my monster design,'

Then it all turned to black, and I seemed to be nothing. Well, nothing, but everything at the same time. I wasn't floating, no, I wasn't existing, either, per se. I was just kind of there.

My consciousness was... Growing? Shrinking? I couldn't tell, but before I knew it, I started to feel warm.
I grew warmer and warmer, and I could start to feel my consciousness lining up with something, it felt like I was in a bag of warm water.
Then came the pressure.
It hurt.
Well, I think it hurt, but it didn't at the same time. I felt... disconnected?
Either way, I felt pressure against my what could be called head, then downwards.
Some type of muffled voices attempted to intrude on my hearing, but they didn't really sharpen. I couldn't see, but I could feel my body being moved around by big hands.
My arms aren't cooperating, they keep pulling into me.
What? What's this?
It feels... Warm...
I want to sleep.


I fell asleep.


"Just keep pushing, honey! You can do it!"

Three people crowded around a bed with a heavily sweating, crying, pregnant woman lying on top, her legs splayed apart, the man at her feet focusing on his hands, that were assisting in her expulsion of the pink and bloody mound of flesh.
Her husband sat next to her, his hand being squeezed to death as she gritted her teeth, expelling the mass from inside her. His words of encouragement soothed her as she sobbed, in a ridiculous amount of pain.
The nurse beside her was constantly checking her vitals and on the mass within her womb, assuring the doctor that was assisting the delivery.

Soon enough the mass was outside of the body of the woman, and surprisingly, the mass was not screaming.

The two medical specialists checked on the baby's vitals, confused as to the fact why the baby was not crying, as is the typical reaction for a newly born.
The woman and the man that sat at the other side of the bed looked tiredly and concernedly at the confused doctors. "What's the problem?" The man asked urgently, voice wavering slightly.
The doctor shook his head, furrowing his brows, "The baby is a perfectly healthy baby girl. Though, it is not commonplace for a child to not cry on birth. We will need to keep her under our care for the first three days, to make sure there are no medical anomalies,"
The parents both looked concerned, and tears rolled down the cheeks of the beautiful woman, "C-Can I hold her?"
The doctor nodded, and passed the now clean and bundled child to her mother, smiling.
The woman gathered the child in her arms, and smiled down at it, her breasts acting as a heated pillow for the baby, "Yunano...Yunano Alveria Silvertongue,"
The two young parents stared fondly at the tiny organism, and the new child snored softly.


haha thanks for reading


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