Chapter 4: Magic is Not Logical

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Mama blanched at my sudden change in mood, forgetting that, yes, I was quite mischievous for a child of two years of age.
Papa looked at her, and she looked at him, then they both looked at me and sighed. I cocked my head, and Mama started, "Well... We know that you are very very smart, honeybear, but we didn't want to tell you about magic until you were older..."
I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Is it because you are scared that I'll exert myself too much in my quest towards magic?"
Mama and Papa suddenly widened their eyes at my unexpectedly mature word choice and behaviour, but I quickly covered it up, "...b-because in 'Moonlight Symphony', Vila is told that by her parents..."
Both of my parents softened their gazes, realising that I was once again just quoting a book I had read. Little did they know, that if they ever actually cared to look up such quotes, they would find that they are both incorrect and nonexistent. I was just pulling these quotes out of my ass, and they were none the wiser.
Mama sighed, "Well... Yes..." She then looked to Papa, who continued, "You know, you won't get your magic magnified until you are five years old,"
I cocked my head to the side, "But...If I can't get my magic until I am five, can't I just read about it now? It won't hurt to know about magic, right?"
Mama looked to Papa and sighed, but nodded her head. Papa seemed to understand her agreement with my statement and smiled, "Okay, little one, let's go get your birthday present!"
My eyes widened excitedly and I nodded my head in excitement, grabbing Papa's outstretched hand, and following with Papa after Mama, who headed down the hallway towards the office.
Once we reached the office we stopped outside the doors. I was practically brimming with excitement. Magic! I was going to learn all about magic! This is so exciting!
Papa unlocked the door with a beautiful ornate, golden key that he pulled from his sleeve, and stepped inside the dimly-lit office, me in tow.
I glanced around the office. I hadn't ever been in here. It was dark and musty, but beautiful nonetheless. The desk was a lovely dark stained wood with silver gothic-esque embellishments, and the armchairs that sat around the fireplace were a beautiful dark blue velvet that was studded into dark wood with silver circles.
Papa went over to a large cabinet that spanned across the entire wall, and with a shimmering wisp of silver from his fingertip, the cabinet clunked multiple times and unlocked.
Pushing the doors open, he revealed an entire wall of books pertaining magic and it's practices.
Wow, these books must be incredibly valuable to be locked up all the way in here!
I grinned giddily and Papa smiled at me, nudging me forward, "There you go, sweetheart. Don't damage any of them, they are very expensive!"
I nodded my head excitedly and got up close to the wall of the books, examining the spines of each of them, before coming across 'The Basics of Magic and Cultivation'.
I plucked it from it's position on the shelf and hauled it into my arms, grinning happily.
Mama and Papa both watched me happily, smiling softly at me childlike excitement. Mama sighed and smiled, "Now, you go along and read that. Don't stay up too late, honeybear!"
I nodded childishly before scampering out of the office, towards my bedroom.
When I arrived at my bedroom, I closed the door after me and climbed up the foot stool onto my bed. On my bed was the wood plush I had been given, so I cuddled him close to me and opened up the huge book to the first page.
'The Fundamentals of Magic and Cultivation' was printed on the page in pretty black ink.
I hummed in appreciation at the aesthetic of the book and continued on.
The book first defined the difference between magic and cultivation, magic being the energy that is formed within a soul as it ages, and cultivation being the strengthening of the mind, spirit, body and links between them to enhance the ability to control physical and mental energies.
It continued on to the nitty-gritty of magic and cultivation, working out certain muscles, meditation, blah blah blah...
Wait a second...
The book defined the magic types, being Fire, Water, Air, Lightning, and Earth as the core five. They are the most common and it is somewhat uncommon to see a magic wielder to have two or more types. Light and Darkness are both rare magic types, and are hard to control, though potent if the wielder can. Light heals, and Darkness warps, essentially.
Finally, there are the final and most impossible to obtain, Mind, Soul and Space magic. It is said that only godlike beings are able to wield these magic types, as they can rip apart the mind, body and soul of the wielder if they are not strong enough.
Stop, stop stop, hold up.
These magic types... The definitions are ,word-for-word, the definitions I had written in my encyclopaedia of Hearthia. This is far too much to be a coincidence.
I am...
In... Hearthia?
I was seriously disregarding the thought before, but I see it now!
But why?... I can't remember exactly what I wrote... The magic types were the first things I defined, so of course I would remember them, but the majority of it, save for the aspects I had built the foundations on... It's like I've got a blur filter over those memories... Like I haven't unlocked that content yet... What is this? Some kind of video game? What the hell? Why can't I remember it?
Wow, maybe if it was an actual video game, when I say, "Status," a status window will pop up!
Suddenly, right in front of my face a blue status window popped up in thin air in front of my face.
I scrambled back on the bed, away from the blue window, that was harmlessly floating there, minding it's own business,
My heart rate went through the roof. What the fuck is going on.
I glanced up at the Status window and my eyes widened.
Name: Yunano Alveria Silvertongue
Age: 2 (?)
Level: Ameteur - Low (?)
Titles: 《The Miracle Child》《Genius Baby》《The Creator》《Princess Charming》《Boob Maniac》(?)
Skills:《Dazzling Smile: When a smile is directed towards someone out of spite or sarcasm, they are charmed. This has effects even when inactive, as user can make others more susceptible to charm due to natural Charming Miasma. Current level: 2》《Genius Brain: When introduced to new information, user of this skill withholds all information, if they are exposed to, or think about such information for more than five seconds. This effect cannot be nullified by any means. Current level: 4》《Utter Perfection: Body of user is refined to utmost perfection through cultivation and training. Perfection is defined by beauty, grace and wit. This skill makes it easier for user to cultivate and train with high precision. Current level: 1》《Godspeed: This skill allows the user to think at ten times the average speed of a regular brain. Current level: 1》
《Wall-Breaker: This skill allows the user to break the fourth wall and interact with the author and manipulate narration to how they see fit. Strengthening of this skill is needed to interact with author and narration. Current level: 1》(?)
Charisma: 45 (?)
Wisdom: 30 (?)
Strength: 15 (?)
Agility: 56 (?)
Sight: 121 (?)
Smell: 132 (?)
Hearing: 86 (?)
Sense: 73 (?)

Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Lightning, Light, Darkness, Mind, Space (LOCKED), Soul (LOCKED), (?)

I breathed heavily, freaking out for a moment, before composing myself. Calm down. You're not in danger, dummy.
The first thing to click on would be the... question mark?...I guess?
I raised my hand and clicked on the (?), and another window popped up.

This is representative of content not yet revealable, due to missing portions of user's soul. To unlock this content, find and piece back together soul.

Huh. My soul isn't in one piece? Weird.
I'll figure that out later.
I raised my hand again and made a pinching action with my hand, which made the window close.
Wow, so ergonomic.
I guess I should figure out my titles, huh.
I clicked my pointed finger on, 《The Miracle Child》
The window popped up.

《The Miracle Child》
This title was gained by being named 'The Miracle Child' by those surrounding the user. It does not have any effects on the user.

Hm. Interesting. Do the other titles have effects?
I minimised the window and clicked on 《Genius Baby》

《Genius Baby》
This title has been gained by user being a genius from birth. It has allowed user to have advanced development, both physically and mentally.

I clicked on the next one, 《The Creator》

《The Creator》
ERROR: please recover more soul fragments to view the effects of this Title.

Oh. Okay, then, cock blocker. I sighed and minimised the window, then clicked on the next one, 《Princess Charming》

《Princess Charming》
This Title has been gained by the user charming a female into thinking that the user is their knight in shining armour. User's charisma is boosted by 3 and they gain proficiency in wielding a sword, using full-body armour, horse-back riding and the user looks really good in a cape.

Okay, but anyone can look good in a cape. Capes are just overall attractive clothing items in general.
This Title... was probably gained from my friendship with Rosetta.
Haha, what a cutie.
My face turned dumb as I got absorbed in my thoughts.
No! Wake up!
Snapping myself out of my stupor I minimised the window and narrowed my eyes at the last Title.
《Boob Maniac》
I sighed then clicked on the Title.

《Boob Maniac》
This Title has been gained by being content with sucking on your mother's boob, you perv. Also gained by mastering the art of peeking at boobs casually. Congrats, you've mastered the subtle art of peeking at boobs, you weirdo. Boosts stealth by 300%

Wha- Hey, now! Why's this one so sarcastic and rude? I'd just like to say that, I, a perfectly respectable young woman -well, two-year old- have every pure intention when it comes to the appreciation of breasts! And what's with this overblown stat boost??? With the insults, you'd think it'd be terrible, but it's actually pretty incredible.
Bleh. Whatever.
I stuck out my tongue and closed the box.
I hummed as I read over it. It's all pretty straight forward, but what is this 《Charming Miasma》?
I clicked on it.

《Charming Miasma》
Due to being just a generally stunningly beautiful being, the user of this skill has an air of charm. It can help influence others into believing that which the user says, and cannot be turned off.

Huh. Helpful.
I minimised the window.
The last things I was a bit concerned about was the Abilities.
They seemed a bit strange, as I didn't have any reference to how high or low my skills were in comparison to the average. And why we're my Sight, Smell, Hearing and Sense so much higher than the rest of the skills? Is it because I haven't been cultivating my mind as much as I should?
Hmm, I guess I should work on that.
I yawned as I peered out of the window.
Woah! It was already so late!
I sighed and minimised the Status window before changing into my pyjamas and curling up with my new wolf plushy close to my chest, the weight something familiar and comforting to my active mind.
I smiled as I fell asleep, excited for the action of the days to come.

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