Chapter 7: Mum Won't Get Drunk, No Sir

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My lessons with the Magicians had started a little over a week after my testing, which was apparently when everyone had finished their testing.

Mr. Hoovencloff was the teacher I saw the most of all my teachers.

He was the head of the ‘Temporal Enduxia’ guild, which basically specialised in pockets of general magic such as Summoning, Combat, and Runes.

My other teachers were Addei and Illei Moignon, fraternal twins that looked identical in every aspect other than the fact that they were opposite genders.

Qinin Haqin, a sleepyhead who really liked tea and fluffy things (she’s pretty chill).

Severus Sormude, a noble-mannered man that took no shit (he was one of my faves), and Pullix Esqor, the lolicon teacher that was addicted to battle.

Mr.Hoovencloff taught me Summoning, Mr. and Ms. Moignon taught me Imbuement of Magic, Ms. Haqin taught me Astronomy and how to use ‘The Sight’ (aka sense training), Mr.Sormude taught me Runes, Alchemy and Natural Magics (naturally occurring magic), and Ms. Esqor taught me combat tactics, various weaponry wielding and physical training.

Mr.Hoovencloff was interesting to listen to when he got into something.

His knowledge about Summoning was incredible, and impressed me to say the least.

He seemed to get so into telling me about certain topics that he would take on a different persona.

His subconscious nervous ticks went away and he looked like a true scholar; confident, perfectly-postured and critical.

That being said, it wasn't until a few lessons in that I truly learned his aptitude for Summoning- the reason he ranked to high in the Magical Court, and why he was the head of his guild.

When my first lesson came around, I was relieved.

Yes, my lessons had been fun with my private tutors, but I seemed to have wrung them dry for material to learn, and the lessons were becoming more and more superfluous as the days continued.

That being said, I wasn't thankful for the extended carriage ride to the center I was to have my new lessons.

The carriages of this world were like hell on the butt cheeks.

Due to my boney baby butt, I had bruises that were dark red and purple right where my hip bones would be vibrating against the carriage seat when I first came to my lessons.

That had made me sour and moody to begin with, which wasn't perhaps the best mood for me to have been in when being first introduced to my new teachers.

Luckily, Mr.Hoovencloff was an understanding man.

I had arrived at the center, and thrown myself from the confined space of the carriage, Wisp jumping out after me.

He had managed to make his form less conspicuous, by altering it into a more corporeal form, condensing it into a more muscular and lizard-cat shape.

Wisp stretched once he was out of the death trap for buttcheeks, and stretched his spine in a down-dog-like position, much like a cat.

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