Chapter 9: Is This Not A Calamity?

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And so, my lessons continued. Through various lessons of passionate discussions with Mr.Hoovencloff, pranking tutoring with the Moignon twins, tea-drinking with Ms.Haqin, quiet reading time with Mr.Sormude and groping avoidance with Ms.Esqor, I gradually advanced to extremely high levels of training, to the point where I basically didn't need to have any more lessons.

But we continued them, because it was basically just free babysitting, and eventually, my little brother started taking lessons, too.

By the age of twelve, these were my stats.


NAME: Yunano Alveria Silvertongue

Age: 12 (?)

Level: High - Expert (?)

Titles: 《The Miracle Child》《Genius Baby》《The Creator》《Princess Charming》《Boob Maniac》《Maximum Learner》《Bondage Beast》《Cheat Existence》《Bender of Wills》《Genius Cultivator》《Natural Pervert》《Godly Prodigy》《X-Ray Eyes》(?)


《Dazzling Smile: When a smile is directed towards someone out of spite or sarcasm, they are charmed. This has effects even when inactive, as user can make others more susceptible to charm due to natural Charming Miasma. User can control how much of an effect they have on the recievers, and can control what type of effect they have as well. Current level: 7》

《Genius Brain: When introduced to new information, user of this skill withholds all information, if they are exposed to, or think about such information for more than five milliseconds. This effect cannot be nullified by any means. Current level: 8》

《Utter Perfection: Body of user is refined to utmost perfection through cultivation and training. Perfection is defined by beauty, grace and wit. This skill makes it easier for user to cultivate and train with high precision. Current level: 4》

《Godspeed: This skill allows the user to think at forty times the average speed of a regular brain. Current level: 5》

《Wall-Breaker: This skill allows the user to break the fourth wall and interact with the author and manipulate narration to how they see fit. Strengthening of this skill is needed to interact in depth with author and narration. Current level: 3》

《Ropeplay: In instances where rope is used to bond, trap, restrict or catch a target, the user’s accuracy is boosted by 1200% and has a 40% chance of creating a sexual situation. (With each level increase, the user’s accuracy boost is increased by 600% and sexual situation increases by 10%) Current level: 2》

《Magical Specialty: When user uses magic to attack, attack’s accuracy is boosted by 200%. Current Level: 2》

《Beast Nature: User’s natural charm when interacting with creatures with ‘Beast’ nature has calming effect, naturally causing creatures to love the user. Current level: 3》

《Do Not Disturb: When user is sleeping or in rest, they will be impenetrable to any and all attacks of ill intent. Furthermore, any attackers will be hit with a wave of exhaustion, and will fall unconscious until user wills them awake. Current Level: MAX》

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