Chapter 6: Is Not Summoning Simple?

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On my fifth birthday, I had been packed up and sent on my way (with my maids, brother and parents, of course) to the testing centre.

The ride there had been uneventful.

I had fallen asleep halfway through, so when we reached the testing centre, Mama woke me up. I had been drowsy, just emerging from slumber as I had exited the carriage.

The testing centre was a big wooden building, in the outskirts of a nearing town. People gathered around the entrance, a huge line extending the the outer wall of the town. We had waited for about an hour and a half before being allowed entrance.

Whilst we waited I observed the people around me.

There was a few girls, and lots of boys. Some were accompanied by their younger siblings and parents, like I was, and some were accompanied by their elder siblings or personal attendants. The amount of accompanying people per tested youth ranged from two to ten people.

The ranks ranged from middle class to upper class. I supposed that the nobility were tested on certain days, and lower classed were tested on other days.

There was a young and haughty boy that was two people in front of me. He had fiery red hair and seemed obsessed with swinging his wooden practice sword haphazardly.

I had observed him for a bit before getting bored and pulling out a book. My little brother Ithril was perfectly happy playing out a scenario between his magician doll and dragon plush. I had smiled at his antics, and before I knew it, it was time for me to be tested.

I had walked in relaxedly with my parents and brother, and the man at the centre of the room smiled brightly at us.

He was middle-aged, and had two small straight horns poking from his skull. His pupils were horizontal lines, and his face, adorned with laugh lines, had a short amber goatee growing on his chin.

"Welcome!" His voice called out over the hall, as he grinned, arms outstretched, "Could the testee please stand before the indentation?"

I had stepped forward and looked down at the indentation in the grey-stoned ground, noticing a huge magic circle engraved in the centre.

It looked quite ambiguous, but I understood the basic gist of it, then the man spoke up again.

"Before you in the indentation is a Magical Inscription Circle. Or, more specifically, a Summoning Type: Magical Inscription Circle," He waved his eyes over my family then laid them on me.

"Essentially, what you are to do is pour as much Magical Energy into this engraving as you can, and it will summon a magical beast the suits your Magical Energy Level and Magical Affinity Range," He eyed me as I cocked my head to the side slightly.

I raised my voice so that he could hear, "So, mister, how can you tell my power level and range?"

The guy grinned brightly, "Great question! Basically, The more intelligent the beast, the more Magical Energy the Summoner has, and the Magical Affinity the beast has, the Summoner has, too!!"

Hm. That makes sense. Though slightly primitive the system, I think I may have come up with this theory (in my previous life) when I was drunk. I wonder what type of beast I will summon?

The man smiled, "Is that all you wish to ask?" I merely nodded in reply before sitting myself down on the spot, closing my eyes and resting my hands on my knees.

I supposed that I didn't have to, nor should I have used much energy, so I slowly released a thin beam of energy from my body into the indentation.

To the outsiders, I looked phantasmal, as a glittering mist seemed to pour from my body and into the Magic Circle, gradually causing the indentation to glow a brighter and brighter white light.

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