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Park Nayeon's Diary

I don't know why but I can easily spot him out of a big crowd, or even just a look upstairs, which he is standing at the walkway, back facing me, but I can easily recognize him.

A lot wear blouse especially dark colored blouse but I really don't know why I just feel like I could recognize him just by looking through the crowd once.

Tomorrow is going to be the day when we have the school 70th anniversary celebration.

It's just the first month that our first year started and I was extremely surprise when I was being chosen as one of the emcees for the celebration.

We have to wear traditional hanbok during the celebration.

I am really nervous to be on stage tomorrow.

I don't know whether he will look at me, and notice or not.

I hope he'll put his eyes on me.

Written at 6th October 2018.

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